
#MICHIGAN #Democrats have a trifecta but it's hanging by a thread. Donating here helps them keep their majority. It also helps boost Dem turnout upticket, which helps Pres Biden, Elissa Slotkin, Curtis Hertel, Kristen McDonald Rivet & other U.S. House candidates!
Keep #MichiganBlueIn24. Donate today! Michigan Dems flipped control of the state legislature in ' a narrow margin. Help them KEEP #MIBlueIn24 by donating to these funds today!
Charles, I am wondering where you would advise someone had $50/month to donate in total (already donating $5/mo to Biden campaign, also canvassing in California purple districts)? Like, best bang for the buck, across candidates, in your opinion? Save me from my texts, in other words.
Excellent question! The problem, of course, is that the races at EVERY level are ALL "vitally important," but I'd approach it this way: There's around ~8,000 races at the federal, statewide or state legislative levels this cycle. Of those, I'm raising $ for around ~800 of them... 1/
Of *those* I'd say perhaps 200 are truly crucial: ~8 U.S. Senate ~2 dozen U.S. House ~a dozen or so State Exec/Supreme Court ~150 or so State Legislative races If you only have $50/month, I'd probably recommend focusing on the state legislative races, where small amounts go further. 2/
$50 means a lot more to a smaller race than a bigger one, and is less likely to go to expensive "consultants" & more likely to go towards direct boots-on-the-ground grassroots actions (canvassing, phone banking, lit drops, GOTV etc). Now, of the state legislative races, I'd further focus... 3/
...on the SWING STATES, since boosting legislative Dem turnout also has "reverse coattail" impact--it also helps with turnout for overlapping Congressional District candidates *and* any statewide Dems running for Senate, Gov/AG/SoS...and POTUS. 4/
That boils it down to the closest state legislative races in AZ, GA, MI, NV, NH, NC, PA & WI. Now, of those, I'd probably narrow it down further to AZ, MI, PA & WI for several reasons: --All 4 also have critical Senate races --All 4 also have at least a few critical House races 5/
...and of those 4 states, here's the 50 districts which Dave's Redistricting has rated as having PVI scores of +4 or closer (ie, they lean slightly blue, slightly red or are true tossup districts):
So, to go back to your original question, if I *only* had $50/month to donate I'd probably pick some combination out of these 50 (AZ, MI & WI haven't had their primaries yet so there's a few blanks for now). Hope that helps!