
Nothing radicalizes you like seeing all your freelancer friends have to pay 30% taxes on their poverty wages. Everyone is out of work, under employed, underpaid if at all. There are no savings and no safety nets. Groceries cost $80 every trip. It feels like I'm bleeding to death.
Im not joking when i say that the first time i was told about independent employment taxes (which was no earlier than when i had to PAY THEM because i had an unusually successful redbubble print) it scared me off making money with my art for 10 years. I just couldnt see how it could ever be worth it
And even now when i see how it COULD be worth it, like..... the reality is still so depressing to watch. I'm making no money still but watching it happen to people i look up to and feel deserve even better than i ever did. Getting crushed year after year by an industry that hates us
It's a whole system on collapse and artists are the Canary in the Coalmine.
The system is doing quite well for itself and has demonstrated remarkable resiliency. Let's not get too hopeful!
It's just grinding everyone to dust as part of its operation.