Chase L Woods

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Chase L Woods

“All I do is sit at the typewriter and start hitting keys. Getting them in the right order, that’s the trick.”
-Garth Marenghi
I’m finding myself taking a lot more breaks from social media these days. I think being on it for too long starts to put me in a terrible mood. It all feels like that scene in Better Call Saul where Mike went to a grief session and pointed out everyone there is just wallowing in misery.
I saw someone talking about #FFXIV Endwalker’s ad with that Spider-Man twink and Hannibal Buress. They said it was good, but this was “before [they] knew about Buress’s landlord stuff.” lol tf does that have to do with whether or not the ad was good?
I’m all about preservation of data on the internet, but people sure are making a stink over 20 year-old MTV News celebrity gossip and clips from The Daily Show. Seems to me like that thing with the Wayback Machine being forced to remove content is the much bigger story, is all I’m sayin’.
I don’t know what it is, but Will Wheaton really rubs me the wrong way.
I haven’t played Overwatch in years, but it’s still inexplicably popular (it’s the porn. We all know this). Does Blizzard still randomly make characters gay whenever the company is caught doing wack shit?
I feel a lot of the nontroversies of the #TTRPG and #DnD communities would have never happened if everybody remembered “well, we do it differently at our table” is a perfectly valid excuse and, indeed, is encouraged in every imaginable tabletop game.
I am way too old to have ever enjoyed FNAF or find it scary, but the fact that there’s something in the lore called “The Bite of ‘87” and nobody seems to think “that’s a really stupid thing to call a child death” is very funny to me.
Spicy #TTRPG take, but Werewolf: the Apocalypse 5th Edition’s interpretation of the Get of Fenris as a death cult willing to stop the Apocalypse by any means necessary is a million times more interesting than the previous editions’ “yet another murder-monster, now Viking-flavored” versions.
If you find yourself scouring a stranger’s social media profile because they said they didn’t like a YouTuber that you enjoy —not that the person hates them, or wishes ill will on them or the folks who enjoy them; this YouTuber just ain’t a good fit— maybe evaluate your life.
Reading a slew of Victorian-era literature. Everyone at the time wrote about how brutal capitalism is. Fast-forward a few centuries, and modern steampunk stuff is all “Zounds! Allow me to doff my sprocket-covered top hat and use my gizmotron to breathe life into these disparate corpse parts!"
I really want to like Nier: Automata. I’ve played through it, the last bit is amazing, but it’s all typical anime surface-level views of philosophy mixed with name-dropping that has zero rhyme or reason other than the creator saw the names on Wikipedia. Also ass. Can’t forget that ass.
Anybody else wanna share their #FFXIV | #FF14 portraits?
Back when I was in college, I used to put on #GameGrumps as background noise while I worked. I remember hating when Jon left, thinking there’s no way Dan would match that level of charisma with Arin. Fast forward. Dan seems really cool. Arin seems like an insufferable twat that never grew up.
At first, I felt bad buying Mountain Dew just to collect the bottle caps for #FFXIV | #FF14 in-game stuff, and then promptly pouring the stuff down the drain. It seems wasteful. Then I remembered that it’s Mountain Dew. No child should be given this for nourishment.
In #writing from a first-person perspective, I’m discovering how easy it is to forget to capitalize pronouns. In this case, it’s a stylistic choice, as it’s a conversation between the main character and a messianic Christ figure.
I sometimes feel I’m the only one who sees the disconnect between a YouTuber standing in front of a wall covered with pounds of plastic figurines and ranting about how capitalism is bad. Yes yes, “and yet you participate in society.,” but it is literal trash, y’all. It’s all going in a landfill.
This place would be infinitely better if it wasn’t a bunch of people whining about Twitter.
I saw Dan Olson has a video about James Rolfe. Is there any particular reason every leftist YouTube grifter has decided to cover the AVGN over the past two years?
I swear, leftists nowadays would read Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” and then make a three-hour YouTube screed on how evil Swift is for suggesting cannibalism. Media literacy and critical thinking are both dead.
Fans of “The Boys” being too stupid to realize Homelander is a bad guy and always has been will forever be funny.
I was thinking on my playthrough of Nier: Automata. Gamers really can be forgiving of dogshit core gameplay and the dumbest story for anyone whose brain isn’t poisoned with pop psychology, so long as we can stare straight up the main character’s asshole. That last third was pretty good tho.
People getting mad at everyone calling the hobby #DnD instead of the much-less-snappy #TTRPG will never not be funny. Imagine the damage these folks would do if they noticed actual problems on the planet and voted.
For those #TTRPG youngin’s who might be worried about all of their #5e stuff going obsolete with the advent of what will inevitably be called 5.5e? 1) it will. Don’t believe the hype. It *will* be obsolete. 2) who cares? There’s so much 5e stuff, both official and unofficial. You have options.
I once got called ableist for suggesting a guy use a system that wasn’t 5e over on Twitter, so I really appreciate that BlueSky’s #TTRPG community isn’t full of insane brand loyalty for a freaking ruleset.
A friend stole one of Mr Beast’s candies — a peanut butter chocolate thing called Deez Nuts (ugh). His review on the free candy? “How do you fuck up peanut butter and chocolate?”
The thing that pushed me away from anime and manga was the number of times I’d go “I dig this artist’s whole thing! Let’s see some of their older stuff before they broke through! …that is just straight-up child porn. They’re not even doing the ‘thousand-year-old-dragon excuse.”
Had a friend in their 30s try and watch Hazbin Hotel. I’m happy to report: I have a good enough sample to conclude this is very much a show for a specific age group that doesn’t yet understand nobody thinks obnoxiousness is cool. It’s nicely animated, though! And pretty… provided you love red.
I had to sit my #TTRPG players down last night after the game and explain that Savage Worlds is not a system designed for gingerly poking your head into a room, running away at the first sign of danger, and mounting a hands-off investigation using the local authorities. It’s Savage Worlds ADVENTURE.
Adam Connover loves to say that Facebook tanked College Humor, but I’m convinced it might’ve had more to do with the fact that College Humor was never very funny.
I have complicated feelings about #A24. You ever listen to a music genre for years, then one act finally figures out how to make it mainstream, and a large number of their fans think that act is the inventor of the genre? That’s A24 and artsy horror to me.