
Everyone is talking about the new viral sensation, Bungus Flimp. Bungus Flimp is now opening for Olivia Rodrigo. If you haven't heard of Bungus Flimp, fuck you. We've just heard that Bungo Flimp is now canceled. Bungus Flimp has been killed in a standoff with SWAT officers in Des Moines.
When I was a teenager I swore that I would never be one of those adults who has no clue about youth culture but man it really is all like this I totally understand why my dad didnt want to learn who Gerard Way was now
I keep up on young-people music more than some people my age, but there's a lot of shit I don't even want to understand. When I was a kid, watching other people play videogames was something you did with friends while you waited for your turn at the Genesis