Cheeky McFella

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Cheeky McFella

NAFO Fella. Slava Ukraini.
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10 years ago, on July 17, 2014, #RussiaisATerroistState shot down Malaysia Airlines passenger plane killing 298 people, including 80 children. The victims of this crime must not be forgotten.🕯💔 #WeRemember #MH17
⚠️ 1x Tu-95ms board is being redeployed within the Western region of the Russian Federation. South-eastern course, vector to the Saratov region of the Russian Federation. Approaching from 03:00.
⚠️ 1х борт Ту-95мс проводять передислокацію в межах Західного регіону рф. Курс Південно-східний, вектор на Саратовську область рф. Наближення з 03:00.
📡 The situation as of 00:00 on 07/17/24 — Strategic aviation: Not active; — BpLA: There are no strike UAVs in the airspace of Ukraine; — Fleet: Missile carriers in the ports of basing.
📡 Обстановка станом на 00:00 17.07.24 — Стратегічна авіація: Не активна; — БпЛА: Ударні БпЛА у повітряному просторі України відсутні; — Флот: Ракетоносії у портах базування.
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📣It's update time again! Goal 15.000€ to get really good ambulance 💪 3.850€ in the seventh 🚑🇺🇦 jar. Thank you! We will get there. Together 🤜🤛 Let's keep the wheels rolling 🚑🇺🇦 All donation options you can find here 👇 It's time to save lifes!
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#NAFO and Ukraine supporters on Bluesky, please help! I don’t have much reach here and need your help to amplify this fundraiser! Thank you! 💙💛
Bigger bonk sticks, all round.
BBC: Labour have launched their promised defence review! The review will invite submissions from the military, veterans, MPs, the defence industry, the public, academics and the UK's allies until the end of September and aims to deliver its findings in the first half of 2025.
Government launches 'root and branch' defence The review will look at the threats the UK faces in a
Fixed it.
🇮🇳🙄 India "summoned" Ukrainian ambassador over criticism of Modi-Putin meeting… ❗️India also postponed the meeting of the joint working group with Ukraine on cultural issues against the background of the incident.
Yo, #Fellas. Found one. Report and block.
Missile no longer locks. The target ceased to exist within the Chernivtsi district. The missile threat continues until the strike.
Ракета більше не фіксується. Ціль припинила існування в межах Чернгівського району. Ракетна небезпека триває до відбою.
One of the rockets in the direction of the Vyshgorod district of the Kyiv region. Western course. 🤬
Одна з ракет у напрямку Вишгородського району Київщини. Курс Західний.
+ 2 air missiles on the same route through Nizhyn. Western course.
+ 2х авіаційні ракети тим самим маршрутом через Ніжин. Курс Західний.
Here's my twenny. Slava Ukraini and fuck russia. #ToonieTuesday
It’s #ToonieTuesday!!! Today we support 123rd battalion Crimean Tatars & Ukrainians as they raise funds for 2 Mavic surveillance drones 🚁 This unit is entirely crowdfunded & needs🙏🏻 Donate £2 €2 $2 & 📬 a screenshot in replies & repost 🙏🏻 🅿️ay🅿️al: [email protected]
An aviation missile headed for Chernihiv Oblast from Sumy Oblast.
Авіаційна ракета курсом на Чернігівщину з Сумщини.
Signing off. Keep safe 👍🏻
1x BpLA in Vinnytsia region, Western course.
1х БпЛА на Вінниччині, курс Західний.
⚡️ Korenevo, Kursk region of the Russian Federation — a low-voltage factory was hit.
⚡️ Коренево, Курська область рф — влучання по заводу низьковольтної продукції.
2 UAVs in the direction of Kyiv/Boryspil. Closely.
2х БпЛА у напрямку Київ/Бориспіль. Уважно.
2x UAVs from Cherkasy region in the direction of Boryspil district of Kyiv region. North-West course.
2х БпЛА з Черкащини у напрямку Бориспільського району Київщини. Курс Північно-Західний.
Sink the bastard anyway!
"The last patrol ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is leaving our Crimea right now. Remember this day," Navy Spokesman Pletenchuk said.
So Trump gets out of hospital and boards his jet to fly home. He sits down and the flight attendant comes up and says "Good evening Mr Trump. Can I get you a drink?" "No, thanks", he replies, "I've got one 'ere"
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I hope somebody at least had the satisfaction of getting to yell, “Donald, duck!”
How very convenient for his campaign at a time when his opponent is looking weak. This all stinks.
⚡️ US Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been shot in the ear in Pennsylvania
Be skeptical. Be very skeptical. This is Trump we're talking about here.
If it was hanging out of its own backside, wouldn't that be the prolapse of russia? Because that would be great.
✊🇺🇦 "No one wants the collapse of Russia, but we want it to be defeated in Ukraine. And this is important, because otherwise Russia, China, Iran, North Korea will be encouraged in their understanding that the West, the democracies, are not as strong as they seem!," - Petr Pavel