
VEEPSTAKES! says Trump will pick a white guy. Whichever white guy Trump chooses will have to debate VP Kamala Harris, and she still has Bill Barr's doo-dads in her purse from that Senate hearing, and also made Brett Kavanaugh cry. Get the popcorn, folks!
Of course he will. Did anyone ever doubt it? And my guess is that their plan's to get Rump in office and then 20th-amendment him to get him out ASAP and put their own pawn in.
Russia may have objections to removing the Orange Turd unless they push some equally disgusting pile of shit into his strings.
Hate to point this out, but the repub votes in Congress show they are ALL in Putin's pocket.
Just pointing out that Russia may want to stay with the polished turd they are currently controlling unless MAGA can come up with someone even stupider and more demented than tRump.
Rump's falling apart. My guess is they're keeping him what passes for functional (for him) with drugs. That can't work for very long.
Agreed; they have to keep him pumped up and inflated until after the election or insurrection; which ever it is. This, of course, begs the question, who will MAGA choose for his VP???
I saw something saying it's Flynn.
Dear God. That would be awful. However, I wouldn't put it past him to reach the top spot. Neither creature is a good choice.