
Hi new people ! I'm Chloé, welcome to the party ✨ I draw for videogames but since that's under NDA you'll mostly see lesbians drawings and comics here 🌸
Love your inking style so much
Oh thank you ! sometimes I feel like it's not "dynamic" enough, somehow
Omg not at all it has so much life in it. I was so in awe of your mad max study you did a while ago. I aspire to have the effortlessness you bring to your work.
Oh, the sketchbook ink study, rearranging the shots as a small comic ? I love this kind of exercise I didn't know my work could feel effortless, in a way - but thank you !
Yeah it was of a scene in a truck? Might have be Nicholas Hoult’s character? Tbh I only half saw the actual movie lol I just thought it was so neat and you did so much in a small space. I’ve been meaning to do a series of movie still studies for ages but I always fuss on them too much
It was Furiosa, but yes ! I always find shot studies from movies super fun and also grood practice, as long as you don't treat them as "full pieces"
Sorry I’m very bad with those movies lol Yeah I need to let go more but I get in my own head - anyways either way I think your stuff and especially your line work are brilliant and I got way off topic lol
Haha no problem ! i'm always down to talk about art !