
Uh oh. Walt Disney’s granddaughter won’t give a cent to the DNC until Biden drops out. 🫠 Again, there is in no major momentum for Biden’s removal from the ticket. The fact that donors and other “elites” can’t wait for one reliable poll shows their contempt for voters.
Aren’t there a dozens of polls for over a year now that that show he’s losing? Doesn’t the fact that he can’t answer basic questions trouble you? I live in a liberal bubble and everyone I know can’t believe how bad he is. The DNC is awful but I don’t know what ignoring the obvious does for us.
The facts are plain: there is no widespread evidence thus far of Democratic voters calling on Biden to step aside. They chose him, not editorial writers. If a minority tries to force his removal, that threatens a contested convention and a divided party, a la 1968. It only helps Trump.
I’m a dem voter and I want him to step aside. I called my Senator (Warren) and I’ve called the White House switchboard. I’ve also written to Schiff, Obama, Warner and Ed Markee. There isn’t much of a visible way to call for him to step down, but I’m not giving more money. This brings me no joy.
OK. That’s my choice. That is a solid point. And so it will be 20 senators choices to publicly humiliate this guy because he won’t step down. I guess everything is a personal choice. Do you think that he can actually win anything at this point?
I hope you are right and that I am wrong. At this point, it seems the only people who want him to run are his family, all Republicans, and people on social media that repeat lines that the Biden campaign is providing. This is really all scary. It’s it’s our old man or fascism
They’re welcome to try and embarrass him, the party, and themselves, while they continue to feed the media and Trump with red meat. The same people who want to replace Biden, in many cases, are the very ones who think Harris can’t stand on her own. She’s the only realistic replacement.