Chris Eckert (Not a Sailor)

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Chris Eckert (Not a Sailor)

Running a superhero supply store in Brooklyn, now on yet another social media site
So you're saying there are 3.5 million commercial truck drivers in the United States, and yet truckin' music as a genre somehow died off?
Keith Giffen was one of the first handful of cartoonists I recognized when comics became my obsession. As a kid, I loved his stories. As a teen, I was into his styles. As a professional, his attitude clicked with me. He’s always been an influential presence in one way or another. A profound loss…
RIP Keith Giffen. I started posting about comics on BBSs as "Ambush Bug" when I was 12. My first attempt at comics blogging was called Contempt of Comics. One of my first (and certainly one of my finest) original art purchases is pictured below. So formative, from JLI to every strange project since.
What is up with Ethans who go by initializations loving translating things from German so much?
Out of all of the early 1990s New Universe, I did not expect BLOODFIRE to get a thirtieth anniversary return.
Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang :
Five of the first ten Rolling Stone covers to feature a woman on the cover. It took them 153 issues to make it to ten women, but at least the other five covers named the woman.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Somehow a press release for a billion dollar publicly traded company in 2023 and not a direct to video fantasy-action film from the late 1990s
New Workplace Bedevilment Achievement: A lone, very vocal, cricket hiding somewhere in the trash room. You can hear them upstairs!
JMS's story in Marvel Age #1000 is one of the most embarrassing comics in recent memory. I'm genuinely curious about how it got published and what (if any) notes anyone tried to give on it.
Belated fifth birthday wishes to this legendary wrestling sign!
No idea what any of this means except: The existence of Hotep Jesus implies the existence of a Hotep Judas. The existence of Hotep Jesus implies the existence of Hotep Chris Jericho.
A truly terrifying book cover found in a Maine antique shop
"Everyone knows wrestling is fake, but these new wrestlers these days are all dumb theater kids who do too many moves, back in my day they were tough men who could really fight!" - The New York Times, 1949
End of feed.