Chris Krycho

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Chris Krycho

Software craftsman. Theologian, writer, runner, composer, photographer. Prev. @ LinkedIn; Ember.js TypeScript and Framework alum. My real home online is always
Avatar I have a quirky RSS-to-email issue around a feed item which had already-processed content in it, but that content *was showing Markdown*, so the Buttondown preprocessor happily tried to parse it and things went… badly. 😂 What's the best way for me to send you a bug report w/that email?
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The cargo-deny docs are (a) really good, (b) kind of hilarious. > The GNU licenses are, of course, different from all the other licenses in the SPDX list which makes them annoying to deal with. Story checks out. 😂
config -
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Krycho
Insisting on a design that *has room to get faster* is good. Insisting on an implementation that is maximally fast from day 1 ... is a recipe for never shipping anything.
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To me, there was always an implied caveat of "make it right ." For example: cargo-semver-checks today isn't as fast as it could be. But I know how to make it 10-100x faster, for when that becomes the best place to apply resources.
You have heard it said, “Make it work, make it right, make it fast”; but I say to you: “A definition of ‘work’ which excludes correctness and performance is meaningless.”
Currently reading the code in a particular package in and was wondering why this one tiny module has its own crate in the workspace. Check git blame. And of I was the one who added it. Of course. 😂
I built a little Rust-powered CLI tool back in early June that I use all the time now, which I hope to open source in the next week or two, called count-md. It’s like `wc`, but it’s Markdown-, HTML-, and Unicode-aware, so it can accurately count the *words* in a Markdown text. (1/4)
Wanted: a handy way to have a repository of which only a particular subtree is publicly visible. I have a private project I would like to open source just *part* of, and… yeah, I know of no fun way to do this. (Yes, yes, git submodules. Do I look like a man who hates himself?)
I realize I buried the lede on this: What is the talk *about*? It’s about maybe the most important question for the field of software: How do we make *good* software—in two senses: 1. The robustness and resilience of the software artifact and system. 2. What software we choose to build at all.
“Some meetings should have been an email. This talk should have been a keynote.”—Paweł Szulc “…what may be the best talk I’ve seen at LambdaConf”—Adam McCullough This is the talk I have worked hardest on, the one whose message I care most about, and—I think—my best.
Seeing Like a Programmer - Resiliency, Limits, And Moral Hazards In SE by Chris YouTube video by LambdaConf
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I've just put together a 40 second "fast forward" video for our High Performance Graphics talk later this month: The animations were all hand-coded in Rust and rendered in Vello in real time. It feels like a preview of the power to support high-powered creative tools.
GPU-Friendly Stroke A 40 second "fast forward" video for our High Performance Graphics paper on GPU-Friendly Stroke Expansion.The paper will be presented at High Performance Gra...
“Some meetings should have been an email. This talk should have been a keynote.”—Paweł Szulc “…what may be the best talk I’ve seen at LambdaConf”—Adam McCullough This is the talk I have worked hardest on, the one whose message I care most about, and—I think—my best.
Seeing Like a Programmer - Resiliency, Limits, And Moral Hazards In SE by Chris YouTube video by LambdaConf
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I'm really excited to talk at EuroRust 2024, about using codegen and OpenAPI to generate API schemas, docs, and clients in various languages. Say hi if you're going!
EuroRust 2024 – October 10th & 11th, Vienna & EuroRust is a 2 day conference for the European Rust community – October 10th & 11th, 2024 – in Vienna & online
I’m at TGC today, reviewing John Andrew Bryant’s A Quiet Mind to Suffer With, with some notes on mental health, trauma and just a little bit of reflection on theological memoir.
Mental Illness Is The good news is that Christ keeps us, not the other way around.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Krycho
Advanced notice, I'm going to stream jamming on the site on Tuesday 10am EST. Should be a fun exploration of conferences, website building, and tooling! ✨ Tech stack: Astro, TypeScript
joshuakgoldberg Schedule - Check out joshuakgoldberg stream schedule, and set reminders so you don’t miss out!
Just published: True Myth v7.4.0 • Support for 5.5 and Node 22 (it worked before, but it’s now official!). • Support for readonly arrays in some of the array helper types. • Some nice documentation improvements via Typedoc 0.26!
Release v7.4.0 · true-myth/ 🚀 Enhancement #782 Add explicit support for Node 22 and TypeScript 5.5 (@chriskrycho) #776 Allow readonly Arrays in first() and last() (@screendriver) 📝 Documentation #765 Docs: we do not specia...
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Krycho
I used the playground a lot and wondered why I didn't just do things locally. So put some attention to the problem and realized it was because of little overheads: calling `cargo new`, picking a directory, setting up rustfmt, blah blah. So I made:
dotfiles/bin/setup-simple-rust-binary at d2c08f767c79b51502e7856cde62060b66392a87 · BurntSushi/ My configuration files and personal collection of scripts. - BurntSushi/dotfiles
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It just struck me that `#[cfg(…)]` and modules ends up being a funny halfway point to first-class modules in #Rust (a la #OCaml et al.). (We don’t need first-class modules in Rust anytime in the next decade, lang team. You can think about it after Rust 2036. 😉)
Here’s a #Rust pro tip: the playground is genuinely great, but you can make your own locally. ``` cargo new playground cd playground cargo add ``` Then just open an editor and get to mucking around! Mine lately looks like this:
Did all of those things (well: made progress on the bug, but in the form of “add a bunch of tracing and tell people how to run with that mode in place”)! And ran 10.5 miles and cycled another 6, so I feel pretty good *and* pretty tired. 😅 Now for the day’s side quests. 😏
Today’s goals: • More revisions on the new async/await chapter for the #Rust book. • Some job hunting/networking calls. • Seeing if I can’t get to the bottom of a bug that has been bothering some of our macOS users. If I get through all of that: maybe composing! 🎼
GitHub - volta-cli/volta: Volta: JS Toolchains as Code. ⚡ Volta: JS Toolchains as Code. ⚡. Contribute to volta-cli/volta development by creating an account on GitHub.
*Do* try this out if you’re a TS user. *So* many things I have seen over the years would be caught by this.
🙌 The latest typescript-eslint has Dan Vanderkam's 'no-unnecessary-type-parameters' rule - enforcing the "Golden Rule of Generics"! ⭐️ It's early stage & has already caught a ton of misused type parameters when we've used it. Would recommend trying it out!
no-unnecessary-type-parameters | Disallow type parameters that only appear once.
Today’s goals: • More revisions on the new async/await chapter for the #Rust book. • Some job hunting/networking calls. • Seeing if I can’t get to the bottom of a bug that has been bothering some of our macOS users. If I get through all of that: maybe composing! 🎼
GitHub - volta-cli/volta: Volta: JS Toolchains as Code. ⚡ Volta: JS Toolchains as Code. ⚡. Contribute to volta-cli/volta development by creating an account on GitHub.
This is the part of the week where I drag myself back to work… on a project I love! But even so, after a very late night post-fireworks, I am not feeling it this morning. 😮‍💨😅 Making some tea and getting to it.