
Fwiw, I think political considerations vis a vis polling, public opinion, other elected officials probably weighed more heavily.
What immediately popped into my mind were the personal cars parked illegally outside of every police station. 1PP is in the zone.
True but these strategic political consideration are almost certainly wrong as a matter of fact! If this just went into effect, it wouldn’t be an issue anymore come November, but now Tom Suozzi and Laura Gillen and Mondaire Jones and whoever else need to have a public position on it
There has to be a balance between the public opinion/polling side of the equation and doing the things that make sense. To lemmings moving cliff-ward probably polls very well.
Yeah the timing doesn’t make sense otherwise. She was advocating for congestion pricing just two weeks ago!
So if the issue had polled better and had more support she could have landed a bigger bribe?
Also likely applies to Biden's border decision last week, which is wrong-headed but probably disturbingly popular according to polls
I think it is likely people Hochul trusts, for bad reasons, were the reason it happened. Similar to the likely anti-abortion judge she fought to get appointed even after the D conference told her the appointment was dead.
as the son of a federal employee who works with the semiconductor industry, if i independently bought TSMC and it went up i could get into trouble. i don’t think hochul did it bc of money, but its insulting she doesn’t even care about the appearance or the voters
There’s also the “for this policy change and a small fee, we won’t throw gobs of money at your next opponent” angle.
any easy way to avoid being accused of being bought by special interests is to not take special interest money