
@anthonymkreis Two key points by @doug_weinstein’s petition for mandamus to the SCOGA (L) and @LesterTate’s affidavit (R). Judge Glanville tried to act as his own judge and failed to follow the rule. But also, Glanville not only failed to disclose the ex parte meeting but tried to bury it more!
One more point - his order on the motion to recuse for Doug’s client admits that he didn’t follow the law becaue he put, in writing, that he could not “verify” the “veracity” of the facts alleged in the indictment. The law is clear that the veracity of the facts are assumed true
Avatar Judge Glanville does not understand what the rules require of him. Nemo judex in causa sua. It’s a maxim.
Unless Georgia law is really different than what I'm used to, one benefit of this petition is that Judge Glanville will have to explain what he's been doing and why to someone other than himself.
At the end of court today the Judge said the transcript was almost done & they would discuss what was going to happen tomorrow. Brian already, said he’s going to subpoena the judge and prosecutors for the 25th hearing I agree with, Professor Kries. We’ll see what the judge does.
Thanks Marc. I'll tune in again tomorrow. There's the Judge Cannon hearing tomorrow too, that'll be live tweeted by Anna Bower over on X
What does Professor Kries say? I can ask informed questions based on my state's procedure, but Professor Kries can give informed answers.