
Sean Hannity, forced to pick between federal prosecutors or a Biden, picked the feds. Or, more compellingly: How a photo of sawdust led Fox News to another own goal.
Analysis | Sean Hannity and the case of the sawdust ‘cocaine’ Forced to pick between the feds and a Biden, the Fox News host chooses the feds
The photo that Hannity suggests was taken by Hunter Biden depicting cocaine was, in fact and as alleged, a photo owned by Keith Ablow. I found it in a 2020 video Ablow posted. It's there on the mantel.
I'm so confused. He took a photo of a table saw with some (jokingly arranged?) lines of sawdust on it. Hen he printed it out, framed it, and put it on his mantel? That's really weird.
The article perfectly explains the photo and why Ablow has it. From a former client who was a carpenter but also a cocaine addict. This was the carpenter's way of telling Ablow he chose his art over the drug. Pretty cool!
Right. I saw Phil’s second post with the pic before the first with the link and responded too quick. My bad.