
Strong column. "President Biden’s refusal to undergo a cognitive assessment is wrong on the medical merits and wrong as a matter of political calculation — unless, of course, he fears testing would reveal problems that would further imperil his candidacy." 🎁🔓
Opinion | What we’ve already learned from the cognitive test Biden won’t Biden’s explanation for refusing testing is unconvincing.
Biden's people knew this question was coming. Their key msgs didn't make sense & were unsatisfying. "Stephanopoulos asked, three times, about a full neurological and cognitive examination. Three times the president demurred. “No one said I had to. No one said,” Biden offered. “They said I’m good.”
Through a PR lens, Biden's campaign had a momentum problem before the debate. Now? It has a catastrophic momentum problem. A lot of people engaging vigorously in this SM discussion will think deeply about their vote and still vote Biden if he stays, but many voters won't. That's the problem.
Also saying he hasn't watched video of the debate is alarming. He's either in denial about how bad it was and trying to avoid confronting it, or he's lying. I kinda wish Stephanopolous had played it back and made him watch it.
It's even worse than that, his exact words when asked "did you watch the debate" were "I don't think so," how is he unclear on whether he watched the debate?