
🙋🏻‍♀️ Recs needed: I have ulnar nerve compression on my dominant side, and it's at a point where using my (fancy ergonomic) mouse causes irritation and numbness on the outside of my hand. I've tried using my non-dominant hand but I can't work that way. Does anyone with this kind of pain have recs?
Use the mouse as little as humanly possible; the mouse is bad. Use the keyboard to navigate as much as you can. Set up as many keyboard shortcuts as you can. Work in a warm area and take exercise breaks as frequently as possible. Make sure your desk is at the perfect height relative to your elbows.
Ice your inflamed spots at the end of the day. Turmeric helps for me; I take it every day. I would recommend trying to avoid just switching the mouse to your other hand; I did that and ended up with both arms in pain. I'm guessing you already use an external monitor and of luck!
Thank you this is so helpful! I think I do need to look into shortcuts and macros—for some reason my mind can't figure it out when I look at the how-tos but I need to make myself focus. I do drink tumeric tea—do you take a supplement?
Macros are literally copy and paste, and you don't need to reinvent the wheel—just use someone else's. Namely the lovely and generous Paul Beverley's. Yes, I do Gaia Turmeric Supreme. And also eat lots of Indian food (OK, I'd do that anyway, ha-ha)...
Word Macro Macro tools for Word by PAUL BEVERLEY