
LibsOfTikTok decided to dox & attempt a swatting on a trans person after coming across a qrt of an older tweet of that person's kit saying they "radiated columbine energy." Who also happened to be having a depressive episode at the time Chaya saw it.
Chaya Raichik decided to continue pushing for the harassment of this individual & somehow even got access to info on the trans person's case through her connections afterwards as well.
Raichik is a nasty piece of work. Idk what happened to her, but there’s no excuse for the damage she inflicts on individuals, businesses and institutions, apparently without consequence to her personally.
Covid lockdowns happened, and it broke her brain. 🧠
And yet no one bats an eye when it's the cisgenders who send bomb threats to hospitals and torture trans youth until their psychological breaking point. The ADL were a bunch of fraudulent pussies for removing Chaya from their list. She is a ghoul that deserves every bad thing that happens to her.
Lol you mean the Apartheid Defense League, they really don't care about hate groups or fascism.
It should genuinely be a crime to do this shit.