
The fighting will have to stop before the convention. So a decision will evolve. I don’t care how it goes, I can argue for both sides and I don’t know who’s right. I just know I am voting D.
I don't care if "Shit Sandwich" is on the 💙 ballot, I'm voting for it. Love Biden, wish he was younger, but I would vote for him and there are other Dem.s I could also vote for. Swing voters will be forced to choose corrupt over old? Seems illogical, to worry about one but not the other. 🤔
Trump’s corruption doesn’t bother me nearly as much as his lust for supreme power, his emotional instability, and his weakness for even the most obvious flattery. That big bully can be manipulated with tactics that wouldn’t fool a 5 year-old.
Tho, his corruption is so overwhelming that no other can come even close, it was still restrained from its full blown extent! Don’t discount it!
You’re right. He’s learned that he must have nothing but toadies and fellow crooks around him in every position. People with no ethics and maximum greed and hubris.