
Just voted Greens. My heart wasn't in it I can't lie.
you can look your trans friends in the eye though and that’s the one thing i’m holding onto
2017 and 2019 were so unusual - voting... With enthusiasm??
I genuinely don't think I'll experience that again lol
Even 1997, ooh change is afoot, things can only get better, voting out the Tory party that had been in power basically my whole life..... eh. Didn't like Blair. Didn't even vote, in my first general election. I was happy for it to happen (more fool me) but enthused?
My first GE was the one that resulted in the Con-Lib alliance!
I mean a terrible result for everyone but that election radicalised a generation
Yeah, same. Sian Berry has actually won me over with a good campaign, but it's hard to forget how shitty they've been towards the Labour left.
Same. It was either Greens or not vote. No way was I voting for the Workers Party. But yeah the Greens attitude to Lab left did leave a sour taste on voting
Probably gonna be me in a few hours. Local guy is fine. It'll hopefully dent the labour majority in a safe seat as I won't be the only one.
Aye that's what I was hoping
My heart wasn't in it either, until I spoke to the local green candidate. He's a lot more sound than the Greens nationally, so I'm very happy I've got someone I'm aligned with amongst the local parade of cunts.
Tbf I don't know much about my local one, I hope they're sound! Not that they have a hope of getting the seat.
I emailed his office to say I'm either spoiling my ballot, or voting green. Voting green depends on your personal positions on transgender issues, Gaza, immigration, and the NHS. And he emailed back like here you go, bullet point list of opinions, and they were very close to my own.
same...they might get a fair bump across the country but not enough concentration to make it count - still, small acorns and all that
Same, it all just felt very depressing.
Aye, those Corbyn days become an ever distant memory