
There's this one bone click I do, where I push the palm of my hand up against the back and right side of my head, push my head into it and down, my shoulder up into it, and it's pure endorphins every time. Yeah this is an invitation to know your favourite bone clicks, no it's not a kink thing!
With courage and imagination almost anything can be a kink thing
Which party is this the slogan for?
An old injury sometimes makes my kneecap misalign, sometimes I have to pop it back into place. It doesn't hurt but it's almost immediate relief from the pain. Although my knee hasn't done this for a while. Not since I lost all the weight
Kinda hoping it doesn't again as it doesn't sound too healthy!
Cheers, it hasn't popped out once since I lost over a hundred pounds, and here's hoping it never happens again!
My neck makes noises like Agent Smith when he gets narked at the end of the matrix. My physiotherapist says it’s “not a good or cool thing”, but what would she know?
hand on my chin, elbow on the desk and just sink my body down so my head turns to one side and clicks my neck
mines actually feet lol. haw can be really good but it's always tinged with guilt cause i know if I overdo it I can get face pain
Weird how the feet are so connected to elsewhere in the body. I do like a good feet click as well
I crack all my bones I’m able to. Thumbs are great