Kevin M. Levin

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Kevin M. Levin

Civil War historian, educator, and public speaker. Author: _Searching For Black Confederates_ Biography of Robert Gould Shaw forthcoming with UNC Press.

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The tendency to compare everything we disapprove of to the Confederacy doesn't do much more than move us further away from understanding the history of the Confederacy. 🗃️
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"New archaeological work shows that despite more than a century of desecration by construction and road-building, one of the nation’s most endangered major burying grnds for free and enslaved Africans still contains a significant number of intact gravesites." 🗃️
Richmond makes surprising find at desecrated Black cemetery: intact Richmond’s long-forgotten Shockoe Hill African Burying Ground, which dates to 1816, was thought to have been largely destroyed by development.
I am a huge fan of Blight's scholarship, but his commentary here falls flat. It leaves out way too much of the historical context surrounding Lincoln's speech and moves much too easily between Lincoln in 1858 and Biden in 2024. Historians should tread carefully. 🗃️
Here’s How Joe Biden Channels Lincoln to Secure His Making Kamala Harris the president right now would send a powerful message of unity to defeat the poison of MAGA.
I've been asked to be in a history documentary. The producers want to know my fee. I have no idea. I can't even ballpark it. If you have any idea I would love to hear it based on your own experiences. Feel free to connect through the private chat feature. Thanks for your help.
I am now deleting just as many bots on Bluesky as I did before leaving Twitter/X. Sad.
In an 11-6 decision, the Tennessee Historical Commission has, once again, voted down a request from Middle Tennessee State University to rename a campus building that honors Nathan Bedford Forrest.--a slave trader, Confederate general and first Grand Wizard of the KKK. 🗃️
For a second time, Tennessee Historical Commission denies request to remove KKK leader's name from MTSU A building at Middle Tennessee State University will continue bearing the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
Confederate general Robert E. Lee's attempt to break Union lines along Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg, #OTD in 1863, resulted in... 🗃️
Another reminder that regardless of whether you publish with an academic or popular press, you are your most important advocate in bringing your book to the attention of the public.
Wanna know why getting your book reviewed is so hard? I tell you in the latest thing. You can read and sign up here:
Why getting your book reviewed is so Let's break it down...
Going on vacation next week and I would like to read a book about the history of the Supreme Court. Not too scholarly, but it needs to be a page turner. Any suggestions?,,, ...anyone else. Thnx. 🗃️
Going on vacation next week and I would like to read a book about the history of the Supreme Court. Not too scholarly, but it needs to be a page turner. Any suggestions?,,, ...anyone else. Thnx. 🗃️
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"When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”--Turns out Richard Nixon was ahead of his time. 🗃️
Most Gettysburg anniversary posts emphasize that the 3-day battle culminated in a decisive United States victory, but the first day of fighting, #OTD in 1863, proved to be a decisive victory for Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Contingency matters. 🗃️
"If the Republican leaders of OK and LA were sincere in their desire to teach students about the 'foundational documents' of America and the proper role of religion in public life, they would post the Constitution on our classroom walls." -- 🗃️
Opinion | Red states’ religious mandates for schools ignore basic The founders wanted religion kept at arm’s length from the government, and vice versa.
"When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”--Turns out Richard Nixon was ahead of his time. 🗃️
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IMHO, every piece on #SCOTUS's recent radical decisions (especially those invoking "history and tradition") should emphasize the unprecedented nature of the Court's power in our history--power that was never intended by the founding generation these justices claim to revere. /fin
For all the Civil War buffs out there. Happy anniversary. #OTD 1863 #CivilWarMemory
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Before SCOTUS' ruling, here's our historian's brief which argues there is no basis in founding era history for the idea that presidents should enjoy immunity. In fact, the founders believed that presidents should be accountable under the rule of law.
<p>Historians' Amicus Brief in&nbsp;<em>Trump v. United States</em></p> A group of 15 founding era historians represented by the Brennan Center and Friedman Kaplan Seiler Adelman LLP have filed a brief challenging Trump's claim of immunity.
"Roeshana Moore-Evans, the executive director of Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery initiative, suddenly announced her resignation on Friday, becoming the third member of leadership to cut ties with the effort in less than one month." 🗃️
Executive Director of Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery Initiative Suddenly Resigns | News | The Harvard Executive Director of Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery Initiative Suddenly Resigns | News | The Harvard Crimson
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Amazing. If you are a potential reviewer (or know someone who might want to be, or an outlet that might be interested), please be in touch with me or University of Chicago Press for a galley.
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The Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives, located in Washington DC, is one of 7 new sites added to the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network 🗃️
Reconstruction Era National Historic Network Announces the Addition of Seven New Sites - Reconstruction Era National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service)