
Good news! That degenerate art thief who stole my work to make shitty fetish edits has been deactivated. NEVER let art thieves win, always call that shit out! Thank you DeviantArt staff, much appreciated!
As strong as my dislike is for the term "degenerate", I'm glad these got taken down... As unintentionally hilarious as they may be. Why would anyone put a random human head on a dragon? Why is she farting on a child in front of like a fancy Las Vegas McDonalds? This is so scuffed lmao. XD
There are tons of accounts on DeviantArt that do this sort of thing, it's like some kind of culture. They create poorly made edits of the most random things in media. They can't draw, so they steal from everything, including artists :/
Good. Art theft is not cool at all. I agree: as artists, we have a duty to call it out when we see it and have it shut down, kudos to you CK 👏
Agreed! I have no respect for thieves. Always report art theft. Cheers! ^^
I don’t like it when people take art and edit it to be something weird. Glad that the thief is gone