
when I was doing community organizing last year with Oregon Catholics pushing back against our archbishop’s shitty transphobic new school policy, a huge percentage of responses were like “I’m a grandma of 6 and I’m not sure I get all this stuff but I know every kid deserves to feel safe in school”
so much of the pronoun bullshit is just people being angry at being asked to treat others with a basic level of respect you don't have to understand gender dysphoria or being nonbinary or neopronouns to just... respect people's wishes about how they want to be addressed
by the way if anyone needs, like, Jesus-centric language to try and get through to the “not sure about this whole gender thing but also not a soulless asshole” crowd in your own life, take anything from here that helps you
Copy of FACT SHEET: Common Misconceptions About Transgender & Nonbinary
sorry about the typos I was writing while very mad lmao
Claire THANK YOU for doing this. I cannot tell you how much this helps when it comes from cis people 💜
it is very important to me to know when it’s the right time to shut up and let trans people do the talking and when it’s the right time to be like “it’s okay besties, I’ve got this one”
If you’re ever not sure (or need backup or confirmation on something or have questions), I gotchu 🩷
Thank you for this valuable work. I may need to use it. Both our priests are from the Philippines and are very uninformed about such matters.
I’m pretty sure the Filipino priest at my previous parish was bakla
“Transgender youth with at least one adult in their life who affirmed their identity - a parent, teacher, family member, or other adult - had 39% lower odds of attempting suicide in the past year than their peers who were not accepted” Love really is the answer, sometimes. Or at least part of it
EVEN ONE. EVEN ONE MAKES A DIFFERENCE. that could be any of us
Oh, my God, they're comparing the rate of suicidality among transgender people receiving gender-affirming care to the *general population*, rather than to transgender people who don't receive gender-affirming care, and then trying to pretend they care about *science*?
yeah, uh. I had to get up and take a walk around the block at that point
Any stick to beat that dog. 🤬
very cool to learn about the saints and specific historical evidence!
I did a whole PowerPoint on that for my church’s adult education series! there were so many gender-nonconforming saints! I mean that’s how they got Joan of Arc; she was arrested with a long list of treasonous crimes but the charge they made stick was “refused to wear girl clothes when ordered to”
This is all excellent. In particular, page 5. So good. I love it. Thanks for drafting this up.
Very much going to save this to send to my parents. Thank you!
This is so helpful! Thank you Claire! This is one of those documents I save because it'll come up again and again.