
If we had pinned posts here, I might but a line about automatically blocking anyone with cryptocurrency stuff in their profile. Or any "investments" really. Exceptions made for a few serious people, journalists, and nice folks. :) Consider this a PSA.
I know a couple of decent humans who have had various types of associations with crypto and NFTs and other stuff that is, to my way of thinking, almost always sketchy. I try to give them a little grace. That's all. :) They may later see the error of their ways. :)
I have known a couple of people like that, too, but at this point, anyone who is sufficiently invested (emotionally or financially) in crypto to promote it in their social media profile is too far gone as far as I’m concerned.
Yeah. Look, I'm not friends with these folks. Or maybe I'm misremembering the period it used to be in their Twitter profiles and now it's disappeared. A stranger actually hyping it? No, that's not ok. Anyway, I'm not your customer. :)
Yes, this. Many people dabbled. That's different from promoting it. I'll even happily listen to technical discussions and threads. Just don't sell it to me.
Yeah, that's really what I meant. If anyone had had the discussion with me IRL during the early days of crypto 📈, I would have been very annoying because I for sure would have been 🙄 the whole time. Lol. At that point, I think's ruder for me to engage, you know? Because I'm not gonna be nice.