Claudie Wilson

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Claudie Wilson

I write psychological suspense.
I'm also a devoted fan of the AZ Diamondbacks, and the AZ Coyotes.
Yes, I live in AZ where it's now 105 degrees, and yes I did just purchase a heavy cardigan sweater. Because it's exactly what I've been looking for, for 2 years, and it'll get lots of use come winter when night time temps are in the 40s.
TFW you're negotiating with new car dealers and 2 of them ask if you're a lawyer - you're doing it right.
A dear friend of mine died unexpectedly this week, and I am not OK. My therapist even hugged me after our session today, something she's never done before. Hello grief, my old friend. You've come to torture me again.
Gambel Quail dad and 7 teeny tiny chicks visited my patio today.
For those of us who are AZ Coyotes fans, it's a very sad day. It's been announced that the team will be sold, and relocated to Salt Lake City. I can't see myself supporting a team if I can't attend a game in person - and probably won't be able to watch on TV. There goes a big chunk of my life. 😢😢😂
I've got 99 problems, and the eclipse and the rapture aren't 2 of them. Accordingly, today I'll be focusing on more pressing personal issues such as the possible closing of my 2 closest library branches. Updates to come.
AZ Diamondbacks Opening Day last night was quite the experience! Final score over CO Rockies was 16-1. Wild 3rd inning where DBacks sent 18 men to the plate and scored 14 runs. I'm here for it!
This cactus is such a show-off.
A thunderstorm at sunset is quite beautiful (photo taken from my back patio).
900 words added to my WIP draft this morning, and I'm pretty happy with that. I might add more this afternoon.
TFW it's 3:30 a.m. and you're sitting on your bedroom floor sorting through the various clutch purses, wallets, coin purses, tote bags and toiletry bags you've collected over the years for that "just in case" occasion. Insomnia CAN be productive, it seems.😩
How it started, and how it's going.
Pretty cloud formations included in tonight's sunset.
2023 wasn't kind to me. It was filled with medical stuff that ultimately resulted in surgery/recoup. In 2024, I plan to return to drafting my 2nd novel. I haven't done meaningful work on the book since August, but once I dive in, the words will flow and I'll be back. And it will be glorious.
It was 41F degrees for my early morning walk, which meant only 3 other people on the sidewalk, which is exactly the way I like it. Everyone have a nice, non-confrontational day!
Congrats to Corbin Carroll for an award well deserved. For my fellow AZ Diamondbacks fans, this is a huge deal.
Dear Customer Service Agents everywhere: Which attitude do you believe you should show when interacting with a customer: 1. How can I help you? OR 2. Why are you bothering me? Many of you have no clue. Signed, Everyone Else
I'm just going to say this now and get it out of the way. I hate the winter holidays. If I could, I'd hibernate from mid-November through to mid-January. But unfortunately, life doesn't allow that. And now--NOW!--Walmart is running Christmas ads before Halloween. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I've reached the point where I look forward to my regular dental cleaning visit for its guaranteed hour of doing and saying nothing.
I loaded my new 20 gal steel trash can into the trunk and drove home slowly and carefully. The banging it made at every stop-start and gentle turn suggested what it might sound like if I had a *person* trapped in there. Hmm...(pondering) can I use this in a book? 🤔
Thank you, AZ Diamondbacks, for giving us something to cheer for, on a day of so much bleakness.
Y'all, I made these travel trays to corral all the small misc items I accidentally leave behind in hotel rooms - phone charger, earrings, coins, etc. They unfold to take up almost no space in my suitcase.
Dry Land Zamboni spotted in the wild. Who's ready for some hockey?
There's a special level of hell awaiting drivers who, when you're trying to merge onto the freeway, speed up so you can't get in. Then you have to creep along on the shoulder until some decent driver comes along. Aaarrghhhh!!!
Shout out to the universe for delaying me getting sick until after my vacation is over and I've driven 3 hrs to return home. Now let's work on stopping the nausea.
Drafting a new novel consists of 10% typing, and 90% pacing the room *thinking.* And then rushing back to the keyboard to get down my thoughts before they evaporate.
I finally untangled a plot problem in my WIP, and for my next feat of strength I'll be folding a fitted sheet.
Double rainbow, on a morning when I need some cheer. I delivered FosterCat Sterling to his new foster mom yesterday, and I miss him terribly. I'll be traveling soon, so he needed a place to stay and someone new to love him. 🥲
I discovered this morning that ceramic tile is harder than Pyrex. How's your day going so far?