Clay Sheldon

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Clay Sheldon

Writer, DM, Storyteller and a fan of all things fiction.
Represented by the Rights Factory
Wow. 50 followers. I know it's a small milestone but it really means a lot to me. I just wanted to thank all you wonderful people for being so freaking amazing and awesome! 🙂 To celebrate, I've got something special planned in the next day or so. Stay tuned!
Writing Tip: Forcing a romance to happen in your story simply because you want it to happen can have disastrous results. If there’s no chemistry there, the audience will be able to tell. Sometimes, it’s okay for two characters to just be good friends. #writingtips #writingcommunity
Never underestimate the power of a really deep hole in your dungeon. It might seem like a really simple trap, but players are almost magnetically attracted to falling into those things. And if you give even the slightest hint of treasure, they'll often just leap down themselves. #DnD #TTRPG
Why are all ancient dungeons designed with puzzles to keep out intruders? Was it just a phase back in ancient times to hide your possessions behind complicated key puzzles? What if you needed to go back inside and get the thing you locked up? 🎮 #gaming #RPG #JRPG
Writing Tip: In a lot of horror, the stakes can be completely wiped out if the victim has the ability to call a taxi. Or if they knew some basic self-defense. Or if they were armed. If you think about it, the killer has to have a lot of advantages to be scary. #writingtips #writingcommunity #horror
If you decide to have an adventure where your players are going out onto the boat/ocean or any other large body of water, make sure you make of mental note of who actually has the ability to swim. It’ll come in handy for... no particular reason. 😀 #DnD #TTRPG
A good rule of thumb in horror games: If you give the player a minigun, the enemies are no longer going to be scary. The same rule applies for flame throwers, rocket launchers and any one-hit-kill alien weapon. #gaming #horror #horrorgames
Writing Tip: Stuck on a scene you’re writing and don’t know what to do? Imagine a character in that scene doing something completely drastic/silly and wargame/play out the situation in your head. Even if it doesn’t make sense, it might just shake a few ideas loose. #writingtips #writingcommunity
Magic item idea: QUACK DOCTOR – When using this steampunk wristband (minimum movement action) a random needle will inject you with a healing potion. It really hurts. Take 3d8 damage and then heal 4d8 damage. You might have noticed there isn't a guarantee of healing. That's the fun part.😆 #DnD #TTRPG
If the party in an RPG spends the entire game collecting magical MacGuffins to save the world, don't just to give it to the bad guys in a cutscene because they took a hostage. I don’t care if they kidnapped your love interest. If you give them the MacGuffins, EVERYONE DIES. 🎮 #gaming #RPG #JRPG
Writing Tip: Don’t just hide your work away. Find trustworthy friends and get their opinions on it! It's also useful if they’re in your target demographic. The feedback will be worth it. Convincing them can be hard though, so bribe them with donuts if you have to! #writingtips #writingcommunity
When you're making a horror ttrpg game, remember that you're not there just to torment/scare your players. Don't make it completely hopeless. Give your players a chance to fight back and win. Even in bleak games, give your players a chance to punch Cthulhu in the face! #DnD #TTRPG #horror
One thing I'll never get tired of in horror games is protagonists that start out scared and horrified, and by the end of the game they've conquered their fears and come out the other side as badasses. We human beings can conquer the darkness, no matter how horrific it can be. 🎮 #gaming #horror
Writing Tip: Getting a character to where they need to go is important, but try to avoid plot conveniences. If the character needs to get somewhere fast and they ‘just so happen’ to find a teleporter (that’s never been mentioned before) the audience is going to notice. #writingtips #writingcommunity
There’s nothing more satisfying than watching a group of cocky players get humbled by a band of weak but intelligent kobolds. When enemies have home field advantage, there's a LOT of shenanigans they can get up to. Being physically weak doesn't mean an enemy is a cakewalk. #DnD #TTRPG
Why do bosses in video games drop rare loot they couldn't possibly use when defeated? Is there just a legendary sword sticking out of their body as they fight you? 🎮 #gaming #RPG #JRPG
Writing Tip: Technobabble is an easy way to avoid using actual logic to solve a problem in a sci-fi story. Try not to overdo it, otherwise you’ll have to reroute the radion tubes to circumnavigate the partial phase field and uncouple the quantum reality generator. #writingtips #writingcommunity
Never underestimate the players at your table trying to seduce EVERYTHING. They WILL try to seduce an enemy diplomat for state secrets. Even if that player character is a 10-foot-tall barbarian with no social skills. I still don’t know how she pulled it off. #DnD #TTRPG
I hate games that lock content away until a second playthrough. If I want to play the game on the hardest difficulty, I shouldn’t have to earn the privilege to do so. That’s doubly true for long RPGs. I didn’t spend 60 hours on a campaign just so that I can start from scratch. 🎮 #gaming #RPG #JRPG
Writing Tip: The ending of your story is extremely important. Even if you think your big finale is going to be awesome, you might want to run it by other people before you commit. Many great stories suffer because their ending doesn't work/is filled with plot holes. #writingtips #writingcommunity
When running a campaign as a GM, let your players be who they want to be. Don’t try to shoehorn them into a role you WANT them in. Don’t try to make them the ‘gallant hero’ if they don’t want that. It never ends well and the player will go completely off the rails at the worst time. #DnD #TTRPG
Final bosses with multiple transformations/stages always makes me wonder: Do they practice their transformations before you show up? Do they transform all the time? Do they have to work out in a training montage in those other forms to stay in shape? 🎮 #gaming #RPG #JRPG
Writing Tip: Don’t feel like you have to do something because readers expect it. Sometimes it’s better to throw them for a loop. That wise mentor character that everyone expects to die? Have him not only survive, but survive in a badass fight scene no one saw coming. #writingtips #writingcommunity
Have things relaxed a bit too much at your table and you want to make your players sweat a little? Have the party roll random perception checks and don’t tell them why. Then just smile and move on with the adventure. 😆 #DnD #TTRPG
Do you ever wonder what horror game protagonists do after they defeat the big bad, their game is over, and they get to go home? Do they tell anyone about their Lovecraftian adventure? Do they go to therapy? The bill for that must cost a fortune. 🎮 #gaming #horror #horrorgame
Writing Tip: Sometimes the biggest twist you can give to your reader is having characters in your story figure out an obviously telegraphed twist well ahead of time. It makes those characters look smart and can throw your readers for a loop. (In a good way) #writingtips #writingcommunity
It pays to have a list of useful spells at your fingertips that enemy spellcasters can use against your party to spice up an encounter. These include movement-reduction, counterspells, illusions and enchantments that make allies attack each-other. That last one is a personal favorite. #DnD #TTRPG
Sometimes I wonder if I’m creating an entirely new reality/timeline every time I create a new save slot in a video game. 🎮 #gaming
Writing Tip: Consider how your character's actions affect the world and have the world react. For example, insurance companies in action-movie universes must be screwed, ESPECIALLY in universes that have multiple sequels. The property damage alone must cost a FORTUNE. #writingtips #writingcommunity
If you’re running a tabletop game, don’t be afraid to be a little evil. (Playfully evil, I mean.) You’re the bad guy. Hell, you’re EVERY bad guy. If your villains are getting whomped and getting the stuffing kicked out of them all the time, you might need to step up your game. #DnD #TTRPG