Coffee and Creatures

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Coffee and Creatures

Design systems, plant hoarding, mini painting
Last evening of vacation - it was a good one, but there's always some melancholia on the final night before work resumes.
Aaaaaaaaaand there was an earthquake at 3:45am, and part of my brain just went "ok cool" because it's been a wild 24 hours.
A mad, fast thunderstorm raced through about 3 hours ago, and took our power with it until about 11pm tonight. We’ll see how the estimates pan out. (Northwest NJ, USA)
I was once in the neighborhood bar, and a trucker tried to menace my group of friends by eating his cocktail glass, and we were so honestly blown away that he forgot he was trying to scare us. His wife was super duper mad that he ate a glass again.
First time painting a mini for ….about a year or longer, and I’m gonna give the credit to all the amazing inspiration at Pax Unplugged. Still WIP, but coming along quickly. With my job’s schedule, I’m going to need to get really good at executing decisions in paint, quickly.
Last night at the Alexandria Library 😍
At Pax Unplugged, waiting in line surrounded by hundreds of awesome people.
End of feed.