
Racists deserve absolute hell. I cannot believe that someone would talk to anyone with such disgusting hatred especially when they are asking for help with medicine for cancer. This world is so fucking evil.
Yeah you try to talk good to them. But they keep responding with nonsense. My aunt was like this and tried to turn me against my mom. Because she is Mexican and other races. So this was ultimately the reason my Aunt hated my mom. And when I got older I didn't tolerate this sort of thing.
And you should never have to! It’s so disappointing and disgusting and I cannot even imagine the pain that comes with it especially when it’s from your own family my god your poor mom
My mom got over it a lot faster than I would. Because she is stupid and this is what most racists are. But was frothing with rage over it for at least 10 years. I couldn't comprehend it. Because my Aunt was a very intelligent person but somehow so fucking dumb.