
formerly 'left-wing' UK philosopher and transphobe Nina Power has been exposed in her own text messages as a literal Nazi (occult variety)
I'm glad to see transphobic & fascistic organisers exposed, * their influence/power diminished. But am I the only person reading signs Power might be dealing with psychosis, & Miller enabling/normalising it? I don't mean this as a sick burn: she's seeing aliens on the bus. She might be ill?
I might be reading it wrong, and to be clear it doesn't make it ok to do fascism and attack trans people. B
as I said to a former friend of hers, I think mental illness is the generous explanation here, but it reads more to me like curdled resentment and 'jokes'. the 'aliens' here aren't actual aliens, they're non-white people
yeah, I can see that. I just struggled to fit "profound experience", etc. into alien=black person. In interviews years back when she started hanging with Miller, after she'd had what sounded like mental health problems, I got some bad vibes off it. But I could easily be projecting here.
Just to be clear tho, even if I were reading it right, insofar as she is targeting trans people, publishing racist bs etc. that shit is bad and stopping it is good. Nobody needs to just forgive that stuff. The whole thing is wild.