
"You’d be hard pressed to name an improvement to X under Musk." "How much longer can this wreckage of a formerly semi-functional website stay afloat? Endgame may come down to $. If X can’t keep making $300M quarterly interest payments, banks may repossess it."
Twitter Is at Death’s Door, One Year After Elon Musk’s Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion a year ago, but he's yet to make a single improvement to it.
A bank appointed CEO would be interesting to watch.
If you're a bank do you really want to own Twitter though?
Look at his stupid fucking face
I know looks don't matter and that's hardly the worst thing about him, but you have to kind of marvel that even clearly having had work done, even with nearly infinite wealth, this was the most that medical science could do for him.
A lot of us came here to forget about Egon Tusk. Please let us live in peace
One wonders what potential any of those banks financing this acquisition saw in it. Wasn't it pretty predictable it will fail?
Elon’s estimated to make in the hundreds of millions per day personally. I realize that’s a very volatile number, but if he makes in a couple of days what Xitter owes quarterly, he could keep it afloat indefinitely through sheer spite if he wished. IOW: he’s got both the ego and the funds to do it.