Mary, Mary

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Mary, Mary

My grandfather raised me and was a wonderful father figure in my life. He’s been gone for eleven years now but each day I am still reminded of him and thankful for everything he taught me. This is a photo of him, on the right, taken with his brothers in 1941. Happy Fathers Day, Mitch.
It’s a cool, cloudy #Caturday in the PNW. Jasmine’s just gonna hang out in her bag and wait for the sun to come back.
I’m looking forward to seeing you here after May 31st,! #postie
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Oh dear, I missed Jasmine’s first Gotcha Day last Sunday. Here are some belatedly posted photos of her taken just minutes after she came home last year. #Caturday
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It seems to me that the time is ripe for a Bluesky thread about how—and maybe even why—to befriend crows. (1/n)
Happy #Caturday, Bluesky! It’s nice to meet you.
End of feed.