
So you're telling me that the party that has built its message around the idea that Trump actually won in 2020, that January 6 was just "normal political discourse," and that climate change is a hoax, is passing legislation based on completely baseless conspiracy theories? Well I'll be damned.
UPDATE: Tennessee GOP Gov. Bill Lee has signed SB 2691, which bans the "intentional release of chemicals into the air." The new law — which takes effect on July 1, 2024 — is based on claims about so-called "chemtrails" made by fringe conspiracy theorists.
Why Are GOP State Lawmakers Introducing Bills Based on Claims by Fringe Conspiracy Theorists? For years, conspiracy theorists made wild claims about 'chemtrails,' 5G WIFI, and geoengineering. Now, GOP lawmakers in several states have introduced bills based on claims by conspiracy theorists.
(Glances at Ohio v. EPA) (Glances at Tennessee)