
I cannot begin to imagine how absolutely exhausting it must be for trans people to have to continue to remind everyone that their intrinsic human right to live authentically and fully does not depend on the “approval” of anyone else
If that’s the Pew voter poll, IIRC it showed something like 70% of Democrats supporting trans rights, with the overall drop driven by a massive shift in Republican sentiment and a small one amongst Black Democratic evangelicals. It’s mostly a partisan story, like so much else these days!
Pretty similar crosstabs, though I think the NORC poll, which has more detailed questions, shows even more of a split within the GOP on the topic than the Pew poll did, so it’s like 80% of Dems and 40-50% of Republicans in support.
One thing that comes through is that there’s no juice left to squeeze from political homophobia: overall support for gay rights is so high that the far right has to keep going further afield to find people to punch. The Atlantic came along at just the right time to give them a new moral panic.
That’s great but I imagine it’s not very reassuring if you are trans and are seeing increasing government action — not just poll-taker sentiment — that is intended to prevent you from just living your life day-to-day