
Just read the lawsuit against Northwestern Law and I agree 100% with that it is racist garbage. It's based entirely on unsourced allegations, conclusory bullshit, and petty grievances.
FASORP v. Northwestern University (6.30.2024) FASORP v. Northwestern University
Sadly, I expect more lawsuits like this against other law schools if America First Legal can find a willing insider professor. The unnamed law profs at Northwestern who are the sources for the allegations in this lawsuit should be deeply ashamed. Just horrific stuff.
FASORP v. Northwestern University (6.30.2024) FASORP v. Northwestern University
Hopefully, the lawsuit will be dismissed for lack of standing. Although it names 3 professors who, the plaintiffs assert, were discriminated against, those are not the same 3 profs who they assert are part of the plaintiff's organization.
Instead, standing is based on their being "ready" to apply to NW Law, but they have not done so. That's not a freakin' injury that may serve as the basis for a lawsuit. From legal and moral perspectives, the complaint is an embarrassment. /end
One other point: as a white male, I've somehow managed to overcome the incredible odds and publish in the Northwestern Law Review twice. I was about to publish a third time before my heart problems emerged and I, sadly, had to withdraw. I can't believe the LR was dragged into this shitshow.
Is it wrong that I'm mildly surprised they didn't find a way to have a plaintiff bring this case in Amarillo?
I'm sure a faculty member has visited there once. Surely that makes Amarillo the proper venue.
This hopefully gets dismissed on standing grounds, but if not, it'd be great to have a lawyer depose Eugene Volokh and ask him, "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe they didn't hire you because you're an asshole?"
That was exactly my thought. Really bright guy and some of his work is useful, but holy shit what an asshole. If I heard he'd applied to Ollie U Law I'd appoint myself chair of the Appointments Committee to keep him away.
Did a pro se litigant draft it? I got to about page 4 before I couldn't handle the bullshit any more.
1. I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which a faculty appointment committee would voluntarily invite notorious asshole Eugene Volokh to join them as a colleague/pestilence. 2. Thank goodness for s. 15(2) of the Charter, which constitutionally protects affirmative action.
That whole thing sounds like it was written very quickly, late at night by someone in a fit of rage.
But SCOTUS has shown fantastical unreal but potential events are all one needs to create new laws of exclusion and oppression to mitigate fee-fees.