Jamie Gillespie

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Jamie Gillespie


Works for a charity. Plays ttrpgs. Is mostly just a Dad.
Banner by the wonderful https://www.instagram.com/estelle_frost/ on Instagram.
The new Froghemoth Elder art is incredible.
What the hell YouTube? Lawrence Fox ad playing. Your algorithm clearly does not know me.
Doing a training course, and the suffix misia is used in place of phobia. It makes a lot of sense in the context. I was more surprised, I've never really seen it used before. Often we use the phobia (fear) for something when what is actually on display is hatred (misia).
Tabaxi in Lore. Jaguar people, apex hunters of the jungle. Tabaxi at most D&D tables. Cute fluffy little kitten.
I am tired. But there are bunnies on the golf course so all is well.
Making theological conspiracy theories for D&D game, I have finished running. Look, the voices in my head need venting and this is the path they took.
Yes, my D&D game finished after 3 years. No, I have not stopped writing lore.
❤️ smash the weekend ❤️
Watching new Bluey Minisodes with the little one. What a glorious day.
5 little men on a flying saucer Went round the world one day They looked left and right But they didn't like the sight So they flew away. Woosh.
Just got done at the dentist. Went... not bad. Teeth mostly looked good. The downside is that i do need to gather about ~300 extra buckaroonies to cover some work. That's 3 full color pieces. I'll do them at a straight $100. Any takers? Spread the word, pls! <3 #dnd #art #ttrpg
Down a pound. Lovely. 2 weeks in a row. Fantastic. Milestone hit and I'm now 16 Stone. Wonderful. Advantage of our broken weights system, I get milestones in stone, pounds and kg. I'll take the lot and celebrate each one.
Hell with it. Might just use foundry for maps and tokens. Let the operatives roll real dice and do any number things in their own heads.
After work, I might decide to ruin my night by trying to get foundry to run SLA industries. Worse case scenario it's just maps and dice. But if I can get to work how I hope.
Brain made me write the setup for a villain this morning. One I initially thought of years ago but suddenly popped into my head. I don't have a game for this bastard to appear in for now. Can just sit there in his Google doc, seething for now.
Trains have been chaotic and unreliable for a few weeks now. Today industrial action started. So I'm probably going to be grumbling about trains for a while. I don't want to be the moaning train guy.
After work, I might decide to ruin my night by trying to get foundry to run SLA industries. Worse case scenario it's just maps and dice. But if I can get to work how I hope.
SLA BORG. Never saw that coming. Intrigues me.
Does this need to be posted. Does this need to be posted by me. I think about that a lot. It stops me from adding replies a lot in social media. Makes my interaction much lower, but significantly less likely that I'll annoy someone unintentionally.
One day I'll have the confidence to believe I spelled Cthulhu correctly the first time and not need to check.
I'm down a pound this week. Which is great. It means I'm at the lowest weight I've got to since I started trying to be healthier and the first time I've been under what I weighed on the 22nd of December. I lost 42 pounds in 6 months. Now over 6 months later, the 43rd pound is gone.
Felt pretty crappy yesterday. Every part of me sore. Not a great time. Slept for 11 hours and now I feel great.
YES. Dogs at polling stations. The only thing we get right about elections.
May the least worst team win. What a nonsense system.
I may have made a mistake by raging... No, that can't be right. It's the ghosts that are wrong
If temporary Hit Points persist for more than 4 hours, contact a Doctor.