Clint Popetz

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Clint Popetz

CTO, Harmonize
Here’s CNN getting it right:
Not that it's the most important thing going on here, but the "experts say" tic is so maddening. JUST SAY IT. You don't have to write "experts say" when you're stating a simple fact. Sport reporters don't write "Experts say the Chiefs won last year's Super Bowl" because that would be idiotic.
Love to check in on the bird site every once in a while and see in my notifications how popular am with the ladies(*). (*) Lasciviously Attired Digital Imposters Exploiting Suckers
Answer seems obvious to me.
Elon Musk is going to threaten to sue someone. He’s going to threaten to sue someone he sees as emblematic of Big Jew. The question is: who? The ADL again? The Elders of Zion? Murray Lender? Moon Knight?
Remembering first following on the bird site and learning about Buvette, and every time I visit the city I am grateful for it.
End of feed.