Jane A

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Jane A


writer & editor ~ wellington, nz ~ she/her
Anyone have an ETA for when I'll stop cringing over 'President Putin'?
My kid is over playing with the boy next door and another boy from school and they appear to be building a go-kart, like it's the 1950s? 🥲
Had a dream about an enormous potato, picked up my groceries and they'd supplied a very large pumpkin. Isn't life amazing
Took one of my dogs and the cat for check-ups at the vet today and turns out my cat is only 500g lighter than my dog
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PSA to everyone that drives: please bloody slow down and look for pedestrians at crossings! I got hit crossing one yesterday, and knocked out of my chair onto the road. Very luckily I am uninjured and her car suffered more damage than my chair. Very thankful for its protection on impact.
Listen up I am halfway through this freakin stellar YA/sci fi action Māorifuturism (?) novel by Steph Matuku and I want to recommend it please!!!!! The cover blurb doesn't do it justice (sorry). It is so riveting! Shit man she's a brilliant writer. Spread the word!!!!! @stephm1.bsky.social
The other thing is yesterday I received a rejection for a job I'd already been rejected for weeks ago
I've been job-hunting for over 3 months & *still* no luck - mostly looking for fixed-term stuff now due to another plan up my sleeves - but my god it is dire. I have worked since I was 14, so that's almost 30 years. I am trying so hard not to feel worthless because work =/= value but ughh what am I
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Every. Worker. Deserves. To. Go. Home. Alive. And. Well. But unfortunately that costs money for the people donating to the ACT Party. Van Velden herself has complained about how high a "value" we put on human life during COVID. THAT IS THE STORY.
I am not sure when - if ever - I will be able to let this go, cannot stop thinking about it
I applied for a job at Greater Wellington and in my cover letter led with "Greater Wellington? More like Greatest Wellington!" and CAN YOU BELIEVE I didn't even get an interview. I bet that will be a slogan they use before long
I look on Seek for 'editor' jobs – you never know – and it often says, well not that Jane but how about Penetration Tester. Multiple times it's said Penetration Tester to me 👀
Over four weeks ago I had a job interview that I haven't heard back about, but last week they re-advertised the role. I have DECIDED TO TAKE A DIFFERENT DIRECTION WITH MY LIFE ANYWAY SO THERE but faaaaaar. Clinging onto last shreds of self respect, final iota of self esteem, as undesirable as I am
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Ok, spread the word: we've added an extra week to the last minute, just to make sure we get applications from all of you emerging Pasifika writers who have been too busy with life admin/earning a living/protesting this week: deadline extended to 7 June! And it's a long weekend, so...
Are you someone who does everything at the last minute? Are you also an emerging Pasifika writer? The last minute is now - apply for this 3-month residency with mentor and funding by 31 May!https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/modernletters/about/emerging-pasifika-writer-in-residence
Emerging Pasifika Writer in Residence | Te Pūtahi Tuhi Auaha o Te Ao / International Institute of Modern Letters | Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellingtonwww.wgtn.ac.nz
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The unique bureaucrat experience of seeing an initiative you worked on for nearly a year to get funded in last year’s budget cut in this year’s budget. It’s only enabling disabled people to be paid minimum wage, nbd. 🫠
Why are they calling the tax cuts "savings"? What is being saved? Not jobs - I can't get one. Not healthcare or lunches for kids or healthy housing or accessible, environmentally sustainable transport options, or the foundation of the fuckin country. Hate is too mild a word sometimes
I'm about to give the keys back to the landlord. Bye bye bookshop.
What is this. I am Sisyphus. This is weird.
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WOW. “The soldier replied, "It's an order-this is a Jews-only road." "It is his responsibility to know it, and besides, what do you want us to do, put up a sign here and let some anti-Semitic reporter or journalist take a photo so that he can show the world that apartheid exists here?”
I don't have a job but I do have a coldsore inside one nostril, so swings and roundabouts
Bit chuffed!!!!!!!!!!! Who'd a thought.
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We have a ludicrous in-store only special of 25% off everything (except Booksellers vouchers). That's books, cards, and puzzles, while stocks last. No holds, sorry.  Our online discount of 15% still applies if you can't make it in: apply the discount code GOOD15 at the online checkout.
Disheartened to discover I am beginning the day with the theme song for Three and a Half Men stuck in my head :(
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Guys, guys, look! I did another book! It's a YA fantasy sci-fi about a bunch of teens at military boarding school, and there's laser guns and aliens and a frkn intense world-build which nearly killed me. But it's here! Migration! Available from Huia Publishers! 📚🇳🇿 #kikorangi
My book is officially out :) Here are some photos of the launch party and here is where you can buy it! shop.goodbookshop.nz/p/brown-bird...