
I mean Think about how the government already treats Black rappers & it doesn't feel like much of a stretch for the state to use this precedent to give criminalized Black artists' catalogue & life rights away to whomever the government decides is their victim
Weird how every time we're all meant to be thinking about the children, the government just does censorship, due process violations and/or enacts more mass surveillance about it
Bro is stepping on cracks like a motherfucker rn hoping 6 might fall into a bottomless chasm that terrifyingly & suddenly opens beneath their nasty little feet
I understand very well the real world direct harm that can come from releasing manifestos but here's the thing The material conditions that allow & encourage kids to do such violence don't magically go away bc the government says some information is too dangerous for us to know IN FACT
There's no reason on earth scotus can't decide there are no longer individual IP rights, given the right case in front of it & I would be shocked actually if that's not a fairly high priority goal on their extra secret docket
It's not fun to have to constantly use your imagination to think of what the most evil people could do with unchecked power THERE ARE MANY POSSIBILITIES
wow. So they could kill or jail someone and then earn money from their royalties? Sounds like a dystopian video game
I'm no IP attorney but Feeeeels kinda like what u just said...