
Tired of teaching myself to not be afraid of things I shouldn't have to ever encounter, like instead of being less of afraid of rats maybe my landlord could kill them and instead of being less afraid of cops maybe my mayor should
👀 reallocate their funds toward more useful activities 😇
Rats 🤝 Cops Bad enough to see outside all the fucking time but god so help me if they get in my house
I mean, at least pet rats are cute, and pretty loyal and loving in my experience. Rats aren't 40%.
I'm ok with rats outside at a comfortable distance, but if one inside I would come unglued. On the other hand last winter I saw a very cute tiny mouse run across the room and I just pretended I didn't
Sleeping w rats in the roof is so horrific, I slept fully clothed for months
I could understand (and likewise lived in constant terror) when I lived in an illegal basement apartment on Bushwick but rats do NOT belong under my patio in goddamned Indiana we have CORN FIELDS for that