
The Moderate Centrist Brain™️ is fascinating to behold. Zero historical knowledge or political understanding. Just pure vibes and dogshit takes.
This is what I don’t understand about American politics. It feels like Democrats fight like hell over a very small sliver of the voter demographics who mostly don’t like them anyways, and completely ignore a much larger pool of voters who would be an easier sell.
I think it’s because the chart looks closer to this. I wish it didn’t but if 17% of the country were leftists I think we’d be more of a vital constituency rather than a nice but unreliable pick up.
Yeah that could explain it. I might dig into that a bit though out of my own curiosity, it feels a bit weird that “progressive” is as far left as it goes but could be a methodology thing I guess?
That is a possibility but I think that’s probably just condensing all the leftists, left wing populists, democratic socialists, and then your further left ideologies all into one sliver that just seems bigger because we’re all in an information silo.