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e.g. Artist, dog-lover, and avid reader.
Screaming, crying, furious. Special forces are dragging me out of the Northern Pictures offices. All this fuss after some light-hearted forced entry, a trivial hostage situation, and a few hours that flew by, as I intensely pitched my vision for the show 'Hate on The Spectrum'.
Been meditating in a cave behind a waterfall for a couple of hours now, and at one point I surrendered to the boundless expanse of consciousness, allowing the currents of transcendental meditation to grasp my anger and hurt, casting them into the ether, visualizing them landing in a Meta server farm
Is this fucker lying to boost its ego?
It made me feel very sad, but it also might be effective. Either way, imagine waiting a week to shit talk about someone who killed themselves in protest
The first person to kiss a frog that transformed into a prince was probably just into frogs. Princesses will call this slander
I don’t think I’ll ever get over my ex so might as well become an absolute fucking freak. The type that wears an umbrella hat
I love leaving a huge stinkn’ tip for service folks. The look in their eyes when they realized the guy the’ve more or less ignored for the past hour is by far the largest shit in the outhouse, their jaws dropping and eyes popping. Nothing beats it. I am financially ruined.
Hi. This is me. I’m an Icelandic Queer and old. I like fighting games, and jokes and frogs.
I was hoping for Xian but I have a feeling the Boing Bastard, Gachikun is gonna take it
Turning on my favorite long form video essayist after a grueling day of snuffing out flickering embers of hope at the death factory KidCultureCritic: “Is Kirby secretly a facist homophobe?”
It's infuriating when folks make huge claims without having a clue what they're talking about. “Easily”? It’s hard work! Ever hear of it? And seriously, comparing rooting out a Genestealer to securing Altdorf, Give me a break! Lady, reality check, pronto. [I have no idea what this post is about]
A Witch Hunter could easily root out a Genestealer Cult but an Inquisitor could NEVER secure Altdorf from a Skaven uprising
Reposted byAvatar Masher
In my home country a large portion of the populus, me for instance, are hooked on shitty nicotine pouches. It’s very weird to see U.S. conservatives claim it as their thing. In response I would like to claim sexual boning and monster trucks for the left
Hellthread 2024! Make👏It👏Anual👏
I must get verified so that people believe I’m the real me
No matter what, I never want to end up on the news looking foolish, saying “I never could have imagined” after my neighbor turns out to be a serial killer. These days, when a kindly soft-spoken man who tends to flowers moves in, I’m shaking— imagining him turning my family into hats.
Reposted byAvatar Masher
Maybe it's just me, but I think it would be a good idea to have Nikki Haley make a cameo appearance on SNL. It would most likely be quite funny, and I think a lot of people would like it -- especially the people who normally watch SNL then later talk about having watched it, of which I am one. 😃
Reposted byAvatar Masher
Reposted byAvatar Masher
Position yourself, mouth agape in a garden or forest for however long it takes. Eventually God’s most majestic creature—the humble butterfly will crawl into your maw. As you crunch down on it, on the other side of the world someone else is doing this too. This folks, is known as The Butterfly Effect
I just got out of a relationship, and it’s been rough. At the same time, though, I’ve become very gung-ho about pouring my life’s savings into a profitable new investment known as Online Crypto Coins. Lets just say I have a sneaking suspicion that I won’t be cripplingly lonely for much longer
TO ALL THE NEW USERS WELCOME WE HAVE A FEW RULES HERE 1. No posting 2.No replying Got your ass
Changed my pfp to my George Costanza halloween costume. Surely people on here will want to be my friends now
Favorite part of being Icelandic is getting to tell people that most things you’ve heard about us are untrue and we are in fact the U.S. puppet state of Scandinavia
If you don’t think A.I. Is going to change the world you aren’t looking into it as much as you should
If I we’re a ranking officer on the Enterprise I would expect anyone that acted slightly out of turn of being posessed by some sort of alien and phaser the shit out of them
respectfully. The two blips right of center are my balls.
“You made a person out of another person, then you sent me to kill him. You made a choice to do this to me.” —Gemini Man (2019) favorite movie quote probably