
Here's a Jack story, for all you've who've been helping me look. We were driving to a chess tournament in cape Breton, in his cop issue grand Victoria. He was talking about a battle in the Netherlands that they didn't expect to survive. He said that the RSM, in his words "all Blanco and bullshit" 1?
Stepped out of his tent and was shot right in the middle of his crossbelts. No bear in mind, this man was a saint- and he laughed. He said "we were too busy to check but I'm sure that wad a .303!" Blew my mind. Made me realize he was the gentle, kind man he was because he'd been in the shit 2/?
And knew what it was like. He taught kids chess, and was a wonderful, wonderful mentor. Got me into rotaract, introduced me to two of our local members. One an XBoat crewman, the other a Dutch resistance motorcycle assassin. Told me "if you need some one shot or something blowing up, come to us" 3/?
Made me realize that so many of these old men around me were,in their ways, paying down their debts. Trying to do something good, after so much pain. That's why I want to find his voice again, as an inspiration. To do something for the people around me, and to keep my center