Christina Tang-Bernas

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Christina Tang-Bernas

Writer (, copyeditor (, traveler, and hobbyist
The 3 of us just did a scratcher ticket each, and we each won a free ticket. Calculated the odds of that happening to be 1.16%. Feeling lucky tonight!
My fav finalist from the coin-a-word contest has to be "regrediting" ("work that an editor is completing at 2am while regretting having agreed to the budget and deadline"). Too many late night/early mornings, and I'm just learning now how to say no to tempting projects.
Ever wondered what it would be like to encounter someone stuck in a time loop? I explore that in my story, "Today Is a Day Like Any Other," in the June 2024 issue of . Read for free through Libby or get your own copy through Amazon or
Issue 2 of StampEd ( is out, along with my article where I attempt to explain crypto stamps and the blockchain. Check it out and let me know if I was remotely successful. I'm really looking forward to reading all the other articles; they all look so intriguing! #philately
stampEd – a magazine for the next generation of stamp
I texted my husband while at the grocery store, asking if we had any eggs left at home. Husband: Think we have 7 eggs +/- 2 eggs standard deviation
Do you like trees or water? Enjoy both in my photo "Fae Waterway," which was included in the beautiful "Trees and Water" online annex gallery of Black Box Gallery:
On-Line Annex: Field Work: Trees and
As part of a fun Atlas Obscura crossword class I took in March, we created a new crossword puzzle that's just been published (two of the clues are mine): Let me know if you had fun solving it!
The Atlas Obscura Crossword: Enjoy a challenge created by the students in Atlas Obscura's 'Creating Crossword Puzzles' course!
Love that my prose poem, "The Year of the Dragon," is published in the dragon-themed issue of Eye to the Telescope in the year of the dragon. Also love the different types of poetry and interpretations of dragons in this issue: (scroll down for it)
Eye to the Eye to the Telescope, the quarterly online journal of SFPA, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, an international organization of speculative poets.
Nothing better than listening to Tagalog karaoke while eating lumpia in San Diego after a long day of discussing electrical engineering publications with other passionate people.
I truly enjoy attending the Panel of Editors meeting and interacting with all the incredible people working on IEEE publications. With that many smart people from around the world in one place, I always end up having great conversations and coming out with new ideas.
Vaguely disturbed that my indoor-only cat (who refuses to eat anything but her dry cat food) has gifted us with the back half of a dead mouse. It's been almost a week, and we still don't know where the front half is.
It's here! My story "Alice and Wendy" is out in the Queens in Wonderland anthology (No Bad Books Press; I've already started reading it, and all the stories are fantastic!). Also, I discuss my thoughts on it on the Semi-Sages of the Pages: Enjoy!
For the young and young-at-heart, the new collector or stamp enthusiast, check out this cool new (free!) digital magazine by the American Philatelic Society: (Plus, my article on thermochromic stamps is tucked inside the 1st issue. I'm quite proud of it!) #philately
stampEd – a magazine for the next generation of stamp
Husband (raising his cup of agua fresca): Speaking of Lin-Manuel Miranda, happy ratification day! Me: What? Husband: January 14, 1784, was the official ratification of the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War. Me: ... Cheers!
If you have a child in grades K-12 who is interested in science, there's an interesting contest called Power to Explore they might be interested in entering. Entries close 1/26, and the grand prize is great (I've judged a few of their contests, so it's legit):
If you like positive (but, perhaps, wistful) fiction, I have a story out in The Lit Nerds: Hope you enjoy!
9pm on Halloween night is the worst time to discover your doorbell is broken. My husband: I was wondering why it wasn't that busy tonight.
I was pretending to eat my kid's stuffed toy (a pig). 6yo: No, you don't eat Pig! Pig is a friend animal, not a food animal. We don't eat friends.
Excited to have my story, "Alice & Wendy," included in the Queens in Wonderland anthology from No Bad Books Press (an LGBTQ+ Alice in Wonderland themed anthology). Details to come (but check out this cool graphic!)
Me: If you could sacrifice our cat in order to guarantee winning the billion dollar lottery jackpot, would you do it? Husband (absolutely no hesitation): No, she's family! Me (some hesitation): I wouldn't either, but I would seriously consider it.
Happy National Stamp Collecting Month! I've been collecting stamps since I was 7, and my collection focuses on space exploration, STEM, new tech, and the lunar new year (though anything pretty is good too). Anyone else collect? #philately
Been crazy busy, but every session I've managed to catch at ACES VCON23 has given me invaluable information. Amazing speakers, wonderful participants, interesting topics. What more can I ask for? Virtual conferences are a godsend. #ACESVCon23 #copyediting
We attended Civil War Days at the Huntington Beach Central Park. At the library book sale booth, I told my 5yo that she could choose 1 book. She chose this one because she liked the pictures in it. She definitely takes after her dad.
End of feed.