
Getting a bit frustrating to see people on here say over and over again “why doesn’t Biden just use his new power under Trump v US to appoint 4 new SCOTUS justices and then they can fix everything?” I don’t want to defend Trump v US, but people owe it to themselves to understand why it’s bad.
The decision didn’t say “the president has the power to do whatever the fuck he wants and nobody can do anything about it.”
If the president issued an EO saying there were four new Supreme Court justices, the Supreme Court would be like “lol no there aren’t” and they wouldn’t let them in the door.
What the decision *does* say is that the person who holds the office of the presidency is effectively not subject to the law for the exercise of the powers of office, no matter how or why he chooses to exercise them (and we actually can’t even ask).
Have been genuinely wondering if he can deny candidate Trump the Intel briefings on Nat Sec grounds? He can just have conversations with the relevant agency heads, tell them not to give him anything. What recourse is there when Trump doesn't get them? Biden's acting as President, no one can ask!
Trump already hasn’t been getting briefings that most ex presidents get as a matter of courtesy. I genuinely don’t know what the ins and outs are of what happens post convention once Trump is the candidate and if Biden continues that. He should!
I had forgotten he stopped the courtesy ones. I genuinely hope he keeps them stopped after the convention.
And makes a big public deal about why he’s doing it!