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Part mechanical, all nerd. he/him. cyborg. i have thoughts and opinions on comics for days. perennial Cassandra. Matrix trilogy apologist. All opinion will retroactively become my employer’s, thanks time travel!
Furiosa is either gonna be dope as fuck or Morbius levels of bad, there is no middle ground
is Randall Park the only actor to be in the DCEU and MCU at the same time?
started Aquaman 2. because i hate myself
y'alllllll, i figured out how to stream xbox games to my macbook so I can play in any room of the house. and see those fiddly numbers ARPGs use for gear a whole lot easier
as someone who's used an insulin pump for 25+ years, it will always blow my mind that I can now just do a software update to integrate with newer tech? my continuous glucose monitor has a new version out, and in the past i'd have to get a whole new almost as easy as updating my phone.
y'all, everything you're hearing about the job market right now is 100% true. i've submitted 300+ resumes and have gotten 3 callbacks, all of them going nowhere. at this point, i'm exploring a pivot to another industry with better opportunity
maaaaannn, watching a retrospective on the first Deus Ex game got me all nostalgic for 2000
Today’s Target trip brought to you by the word “OWWWWWWW” and the number 7 #stupidmeatcage
welp, I've been laid off. again. 6 times in a row now, so fuck tech for reals. If y'all hear of any solid SEO jobs, let a cyborg know?
Broke down and snagged Diablo 4 a couple days ago. I've bounced around a bit but settled on a Necromancer for now, which has been fun so far. I know i'm a few months late, anyone still playing?
starting my “at least once every few years but really whenever i feel like it” relisten of the Dresden Files. James Marsters fucking embodies Harry in the same way Kevin Conroy did for Batman.
starting my “at least once every few years but really whenever i feel like it” relisten of the Dresden Files. James Marsters fucking embodies Harry in the same way Kevin Conroy did for Batman.
medical offices begging for reviews/surveys after every appointment will never be a good look. doubly so when it’s a weekly appointment. it feels like it cheapens what medicine is.
Reposted byAvatar novus
Full baggage era, all those pouches
just saw someone say “'s a throwback to the 90s X-Men, you know, without all the baggage” and i just…..bro, were we reading the same books in the 90s? cause…..
after like 6 months of not being able to read prose, I finally picked up a book ysterday and it was great. I started with Cult Classic, the latest Eric Carter book and couldn't put it down, so that's a good sign
Y'all, i realized yesterday that I could run gmail and gcal as "apps" so they have their own windows and I can command-tab to them. #mindblown
yoooo, i'm all for podcasts making money, but 4+ minutes of ads at the very beginning, before you've said a word? that's a bit much
apparently, a recruiter called my mom looking for me today. I haven't lived at home since 2003. Can't tell if that's dedication or stupidity.
Just discovered Google Meet has a closed captioning feature. fucking. gamechanger
y'aaaaaaalllll, the Alamo Drafthouse is showing Hackers tonight, so i have to be there. it's the law. #hacktheplanet
siiiigggghhhhhhhhh, day 5 of working from bed at least part of the day. fuck this shitty, defective meatcage.
When do we find out that Marvel's Contest of Chaos is really just an 8 year old banging his action figures together? #marvel #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks
second day in a row i'm working from bed by like 10:30. stupid fucking meatcage
having to work from bed again, lie a fucking punk. the pain doc has suggested a procedure that may ease the pain, so we'll see in a couple of weeks,
i will forever side eye "mental health resources" from corporate that really amount to “DUCT TAPE THAT BRAIN TOGETHER SO YOU CAN BE PRODUCTIVE, SON”
one of those days i wanna post up in front of the tv and alternate between working and gaming
which one of y'all raggedy motherfuckers got Dragula stuck in my head?
saw Blue Beetle, and it's a solid B/B- origin story. That being said, i am so incredible over the "the bad guy needs to be an evil copy of the hero" trope that comic book movies lean so heavily on
after 3 weeks of my pain levels starting the day at a 5, 1 am a) fucking exhausted and, b) ready to watch the world burn and piss on the ashes