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Interests: Neuroscience, programming, teaching, political theory
Originally Texan, also in love with Pittsburgh. Currently in NYC.
Liberal Technocrat, opposed to a lot of Progressivism.

Often wishing that it were not so often necessary to open two email windows so I can easily see the full text of what I'm replying to alongside my response-in-progress. There's a UI issue here.
The density of NYC is probably a big factor in terms of why a lot of maintenance is needed quite close to residences, and consequently why I end up filing a lot of complaints when very noisy work is scheduled after 10PM. The workers generally are actually apologetic; it's not their fault.
I appreciate Biden's decision, as difficult as I imagine it was for him.
Of all the areas I've been waste-prone in my life, I think having a Lootcrate subscription for a few years was probably the worst (at least in terms of funding creation of junk shipped to me that I rarely kept - other things like food containers at least served a brief use, wasteful as they are).
It can be really hard to tamp down on drama when one sees it in oneself in some domain of life I'm normally pretty withdrawn/placid, but on some topics, mostly at work, I get excited and use dramatic phrasing that I later look back on and wish I had been more chill. Not usually b/c of consequences
Amused at how often it ends up that really early employees of a company have a legacy email of [email protected] while usually later on there's a truncated first-initial-plus-last-name rule. Cute to be able to tell old-timers that way.
Vance is as concerning as Trump in terms of the crazy stuff he's talked about wanting to do in various radio interviews.
Was pleasantly surprised when trying to explain Studio Gibli to my mum that she had actually seen some of the films, she just had never learned the name of the studio.
There are times when I see two people getting into a big argument where I feel compelled to read enough to judge who's wrong (perhaps both). Sometimes even after spending considerable time I can't really come to a strong conclusion.
“Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic.“ #giftarticle
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictatorwww.theatlantic.com Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others.
Feels silly to waste time on this, but I've been practicing trying to do the "Barbaras Rhubarberbar" rap at the proper pace and I'm starting to get close for most parts of it. Maybe it's good to waste time on frivolous things like this sometimes.
There are times when I wish people would not use my personal email when asking me for support for scientific software I maintain at work (which we publish to the world). Mostly because I often don't remember what mailbox a conversation is in, and I tailor how I let emails prod me based on mailbox.
Every time I find myself doing: cd `pwd` I am mildly amused that it's something sensible to do in some circumstances.
I would prefer Biden swap places with Harris on the ticket; this would A) act as a reminder that one elects an administration, not just a president B) Signal continuity of policy C) Be a fairly small change D) Also remind us that the modern role of a VP is to handle situations like this
I've been digging into a nonprofit I'm considering donating to, doing the usual research on effectiveness, correct structure, etc. It's on a cause I care about (or I wouldn't be looking), but it came up that it's tied to a public figure I find pretty weird and a bit icky. Not sure how to parse that.
Most current-events problems are general, but most people really dislike talking about them as general problems.
Wishing there were more bands like "Die Prinzen". "Pop-choir musicians with rock topics" is an underexplored niche. For those unfamiliar, check out these songs (they're in german, FYI): Chronisch pleite Alles nur geklaut Scwein sein
There are sometimes music videos where I wish they had been excerpts from movies because I want to know what the broader story is.
Talking about office chairs is the "how's the weather" for a lot of people who work in offices. And as people get older, debates on whether the Aeron, Embody, or something else is better for one's back...
Several hours wasted sitting in a medical center waiting room for an appointment that I never was called for. Doctor left for the day. Sigh. Because apparently I wasn't directed to the correct waiting room (the floor has quite a number). I really don't like big medical buildings.
Ugh, keyboards are very efficient at accumulating crumbs under the keys.
Hating how hard it is to try to build a social network from essentially scratch. Particularly given the social values minefield, but even without that it's frustrating to try to get started.
I am relieved to see France not taken by the far-right; it's unfortunate that what it took to make this happen is apparently giving the election to the far-left. Belief: Generally the most sensible parties are somewhere near a country's center. Not because positions are like that, just parties.
NYC's summers can get pretty miserable because of the humidity and lack of wind. It's only 90 degrees right now but it feels way hotter.
It's easy to get wrongly excited when one visits the website for a bakery and is asked about whether one accepts cookies
The US Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity is stunningly bad.
I don't know of any other comedian who can do crowdwork like Dara O'Briain.
Very frustrating when a company (like Google) removes a feature from a platform I use (like Maps) and tells me they did it for my privacy. It's up to me if and where I care about my privacy. Give me more options, don't unilaterally remove features for my sake. >:(