David ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

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David ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช


Dubliner. Accidental killer of boring unexotic plants and shrubs.
Maladaptive daydreamer so bear with me.
Itโ€™s not mentioned or shown in lord of the rings in the the books or the films. Where exactly did Gandalf lose his hat? Thatโ€™s gonna annoy me the rest of my life
The sky has fallen. The sky is down Iโ€™m the first to post that. Dm me royalties.
The Halloween decorations are already in the shops. No Iโ€™m not messing. TK maxx if these are your thing.
Pro munchie tip. If you have an Aldi near you, get these. By a distance, the nicest hash browns youโ€™ll have in forever . So tasty. Fighting the urge to stick the rest of them on now.
Jaypers We are appealing to members of the public to provide information about 2 Early Bronze Age axeheads (2150-2000 BC) posted anonymously to the Museum in June. Found in Westmeath, their location is crucial for archaeological context. www.museum.ie/en-IE/News/A...
I missed these at the gig and was ragin. My pal just sent me one. Pearl jam Dublin teatowel. Deadly :) Will be ironed and hung :)
I have a broken tooth in my gob. A big filling fell out a few years ago and tooth has just broken bit by bit ever since. Now itโ€™s beginning to hurt and that awful metal taste in my mouth. Dentist told me in Feb itโ€™ll need surgery to get taken out. But I may be waiting up to 3 years. Pray for me ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Itโ€™s crazy to me that in NI they use STV in Westminster elections but in GB they use FPTP for the same Westminster elections Itโ€™s bonkers. FPTP is a sham system too. Awful.
Does anyone else sweat entire litres when they do the hoovering? Iโ€™m always soaked and dripping after it. And Iโ€™ve only a tiny little flat
Am I staying up mad late to watch the first few episodes of the new season of the Bear? I might be
The evenings are drawin in
The sun will rise in #Dublin #Ireland tomorrow at 4:58, 30 seconds later than the day before. It will set at 21:57, 7 seconds earlier than the day before.
An Irishman of genuinely legendary status and a cultural cornerstone. He will be greatly missed by the whole country. RIP Mรญcheรกl ร“ Muircheartaigh
Havenโ€™t recovered from Pearl jam on Saturday. No voice whatsoever and bone tired and sore. But they were brilliant :) They give and gave it all itโ€™s only fair to give it back. (14 years to the day since the played here last!) Hopefully back soon. I canโ€™t afford to fly Berlin for next week
RIP Dave Grohl Was a pointless fight to pick. Her online army will come for him now.
Pearl jam :) Goin to see me boys :) There will be singin n dancin and celebratin :)
My good pal swapped me his ticket as he has to be at the back with his sis, and so now I have a โ€˜gold circleโ€™ for Pearl jam tomorrow in Marlay park. Excited now :)
A project remembers the women and children detained in Grangegorman before being transported to Australia. Some stole potatoes to feed their children and a few deliberately committed arson to get transported to Australia, in the hope of a better life. dublininquirer.com/2...
Remembering the women and children detained in Grangegorman before being transported to Australia - Dublin Inquirerdublininquirer.com Some stole potatoes to feed their children and a few deliberately committed arson to get transported to Australia, in the hope of a better life.
This Saturdayโ€ฆ why is Marlay park such a nightmare to get home from? free pint of you can figure out which pub it is in the pic
Bathroom painted. *never again* it was meant to be a dark dusty vintage blue. Instead it looks like I live on hill 16 in a dubs jersey. I do not. Ah well. Before n after!
I can only suspend disbelief so far. But. How exactly are they feeding all those dragons in House of the Dragon? Youโ€™d need a massive flock of cattle or sheep at each castle they live at. They donโ€™t seem to have them. This is bothering me.
Sunday morning n have all the washing done and hung already and now working up to do the weekly hoovering. Go for a ramble later and then finally set to painting that bathroom. Hope itโ€™s not too dark.