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Longtime software developer, perpetual neophyte, accidental expat, and digital agoraphobic. I like to cook foods with names I can't pronounce correctly.
Currently in Cambodia.
Was wondering this afternoon why my hair still isn't dry since showering in the morning. Realized that I'm not dry in general because sweat.
Recently started cooking with fermented tofu. Very gratifying to explore another source of umami.
Just had my first job interview in over two decades, and my first coding interview ever. I think it went OK. Next time, I'll have to avoid using a programming language the night before an interview that's different from the one I'll be interviewing in.
There has finally been enough rain to turn the slight depression in the field across the road into a tiny pond. The water buffalo can now wallow in their element and that makes me happy.
Yet again, Happy New Year!
It's a new year all over again.
It's now 2024 where I am and soon will be where you are. I wish everybody good luck with that.
There is karaoke in the air tonight.
This wonderful documentary has been surfacing online, "Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock & Roll." If you ever wondered what was, can deal with the heartbreak of what happened and the loss of what could have been it's worth the watch. youtu.be/PxD7fnNRppg
Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock & Roll (2014)youtu.be "Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll is a 2014 documentary film, directed by John Pirozzi, about Cambodian rock music in the 1960s and ...
Phở la la la la la la la la
Whelp... I found out my company is shutting down this month. My son is in Austria to visit his mother's family. Now it's Christmas Eve and I'm alone in a country where my language skills solely center on buying food. It's just me, my cat, and the MST3K marathon on YouTube. It's a good Christmas.
The first thing of note I saw walking out the front door on a Monday morning. The day turned out to be alright.
Now that this web app is up and running, I can finally move in. I was not about to upload profile pics from my sad phone.
End of feed.