
The silver lining in this storyline is learning that, yes, secretly, all of Wilbur's friends think he's a chore and hate him, and his emotional restoration is built upon lies.
they didn't go this hard when they thought he died when he fell off a boat.
Well, the fish contributed more to the world.
did it? it made wilbur happy seems like a net negative
I mean if he's looking at the fish he's not bothering other people
untrue -- when the fish is alive, he leaves his house when the fish is dead, he stays home
I hope this doesn't lead him to stalking yoga classes again
look at the smile on ian's face. wilbur isn't his friend. neither he nor wilbur have ever had a friend. they are mortal enemies, locked in eternal combat for the title of worst acquaintance. wilbur's suffering is the true meal today, and ian came HUNGRY.
If this ends with Ian trying to fend off a broken bottle wielding Wilbur and the two of them wrestling for their lives over Stellan’s tiny little casket- THEN AND ONLY THEN will I say that this beats Wilbur lost at sea.
Remember to always be yourself, unless you're Wilbur. Then never be yourself.
I am the Wilbur of my friend group.
I missed the strip with the dead fish revelation. Did it die from old age or from Wilbur’s carelessness?
I don't think the reason is ever stated, so I'm just assuming it died because the plot demanded it. I guess.
I only just noticed this now, but this is supposed to be a drama, right? The only reason I'm unsure is because of the incredibly goofy font they used for the comic logo. It's so jarring, but in a funny way.