Dan Collen

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Dan Collen


Works in research and digital media in Canada. Sometimes-journalist. Co-creator Hatepedia.ca. Words for gnet-research.org, antihate.ca, insightthreatintel.com, Vice.com, dancollen.medium.com, and elsewhere. Affililiate member cifrs.org.
CW: slur The number one Twitter suggestion for me right now is simple a racial slur. Can't imagine why advertisers are leaving the site.
RETVRN TO TRADITION (when women weren't real)
Harrison Faulker of True North Centre's buddy session with neo-Nazi Zach Schmidt and Faulker's own recent commentary are being celebrated as wins by RWEs. Faulker seems to be into it. He's been liking posts by self-identifying Nazi accounts and racist memes calling Indians slurs.
Not what I usually use social media for, but if anyone in the GTA wants to go to the Prepare the Ground music festival next weekend for extremely discounted prices, I am selling two sets of passes! Bought ages ago and had to cancel.
The far-right has been using that defence for possibly a decade by now. The Daily Stormer, which repeatedly claimed itself to be joking, launched just over ten years ago in July 2013. Both the 2017 Stormer leaks and the 2021 UTR trial outlined the strategy very transparently.
Reposting a Twitter thread reply to @acerbicnerd.bsky.social here on celebrity status, hate influencers, and how generational culture gaps play into them, as I've gotten some positive feedback from it 🧵:
Glenn Greenwald cited well-documented neo-Nazi Vincent James Foxx - seen here asking Robert Rundo to recite the Fourteen Words - for his opinion on the Anti-Defamation League. "Yet that’s all the ADL does to people like me." (ie. devout National Socialists)
"Your honour, as evidence to prove that the Jewish organization is secretly controlling us, we present to the court some tweets from a guy agreeing with me who can be fairly identified as a Nazi from a quick Google search. I rest my case."
We have reached the inevitable stage of the pro-Hitler celebrity's story arch in which entertainment news media feels safe calling him "cute".
Rumors Are Circulating (organically and Normally)
If you're reporting on extremism with full reports only available to private, vetted subscribers, I would ask/strongly suggest that you don't make one of the things that is part of the free public preview be the URL to invest in Gab.
Clocked by @antifagarfield.bsky.social on the Other Site Re Jeremy Mackenzie's banner seen in livestreams
I wish I had half this much foresight into something I could prevent, or at least something less offputting.
End of feed.