
People will get tired of my Dr Who rewatch soon, so I have to ask: Who is your favorite Dr? Who is your favorite actor to play the Dr? And who is to you THE Dr? These are different questions.
For me Favorite is tough, maybe 10 because he has Martha, but deducted cause he has Donna (Gatwa is growing on me though, let's give them time). Favorite actor: between Troughton and Capaldi THE Dr is Baker, he just is the Dr to me
This is basically my list lol Watching nerds shit on Martha is my Roman empire
Martha is really the best companion, though Potts started out super fun and then, idk got depressing cause they just did them dirty lol. Honestly i keep thinking Yasmin is kinda the first time i seen someone since Rose and Martha have actual romance chemistry with the dr insteada just buddy vibes
Well and also Martha may be unique in her arc from "immediate starry eyed crush on the doctor" to "leaving because everyone who loves you dies horribly"
She also straight up tells him, that he drags these companions around the universe and they all eventually love him and he just pretends not to notice and she's already been in the kind of relationship where her love will never be returned but the other person doesn't have the balls to say it.
Favourite doctor is capaldi, favourite actor is a cross between capaldi and tom baker, doctor to me will always be tennant cause I was a kid during his run
More importantly how can a living human being with a heart dislike Donna
Ya i was waiting on that take to sink in on gentle readers lol. Idk, she just, idk, there is something about her that just irritates me in a way similar to Ian. Luckily she gave birth to "new" Rose who has been delightful.
And ya i was kid with Baker and Tennent/Baker seem to be the foundational versions
8, 12, & 13 are tied for my favorite doctor. David Tenant (10/14) Richard E Grant (Shalka), & Jo Martin (Fugitive) are my favorite actors to play the doctor. Not sure if I really have an answer for your third question yet, as I've not finished classic and I've barely gotten into the audiodramas.
Honestly i think if we see more of Martin they could easily climb my favorite Dr tree.
Favorite is 9 (my first Doctor), followed by 5 and 10. TFB, I haven't watched all of Classic or anyone since 12.
13 was good, some shaky writing, but Jodie and the companions were all solid actors and carried well. 15 is mixed so far, the episodes that are fun are some of the best ever, but then you have stuff like Space Babies that's... Not well done lol
Favorite Dr is usually the newest, because I’m getting new stories. If that doesn’t count Tom Baker or Tennant. High energy, interesting stories, and paired with my favorite companion Sarah Jane. Favorite actor Troughton, when I finally saw his episodes killed it THE Dr, Tom Baker
What do you think of 15? So far i think he's really really fun and some of the best scenes made, also so far i think Space Babies is one of the worst episodes in the entire history of Who lol.
Agree on all counts. He’s fun with great energy. Plays well against companions and villains. After watching Space Babies tho, it took 3 weeks for me to start back into the season.
I'm curious if Rogue will return, i do honestly think they are building to River and Susan's return
Rogue was a terrific character, wouldn’t mind seeing them again. But we’ve had other good 1 off characters like Sally Sparrow or Jenny. Hadn’t thought about River, but I’ve yelled “bring back Susan” every time the Doc’s family came up since 2005.
Second that and add Madame de Pompadour, I really want Susan, and his daughter from that clone machine (secret regeneration he didn't stick around to find out" to both swing through for a bit.